Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcome 2009

Dear Amir,

It's 2009 tomorrow.
Were having neighbourhood bbq tonight, just like last year.
Only thing is it's only starting now and i'm already sleepy n hungry.
And we've been delaying your bedtime tonight so that you can join the other kids running around the playground, but you didnt nap at all today soo.. you're already fast asleep now..

Looks like i'll just ask Papa to arrange a takeaway for me and i think i'll just be an antisocial for today. Dont feel like socialising when i'm hungry n sleepy like this.

Anyway, most of the ladies are not out yet too.. probably because quite a handful of them are in the first trimester of their pregnancy.. yeah, the neighbourhood has been hit by a babywave.. talk about a productive year ahead!

Oh well, Happy New Year dear. Hope next year will be a grrreat one for our family. InsyaAllah..
Happy New Year everyone.. hope you have a blessed one too!

Hellow 2009!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday randomness

Dear Amir,

Today is lazing around day.
You are wrestling Papa on the bed. Occasionally, both of you give me mild heart attack for rolling to near to the edge. When I shout in shock like a madwoman, you break into giggles and attempt to do it again.

So that's today. Papa bought some DVD, mostly silly movies. We planned for movie marathon later. Maybe after seafood lunch with Aunty Hetz n gang. Also in the mood for baking. Baked orange butter cake for Uncle Syam's hse warming yesterday. It was a hit with Tok Ma. She asked me to bake it again. I'm out f orange. Perhaps lemon butter cake la since i still have some lemons left.

Since yesterday, little adik has been doing all sorts of stunt from the inside. My tummy is constantly on tremor. This mini belly earthquake has forced me to go to toilet almost a dozen of times already, today. Also, i've noticed that i'm starting to pant now. Out of breath even by doing the simplest of things. And i've been sweating like a menopausal lady. Which put me off cooking a bit cos it's way too hot in the kitchen. By the way, i think we may have found a name for her. Which i have thought you to pronounce.

You just knocked on Papa's head with you milk bottle. Now picking his nose and poking at his eyes. I can just sit here and watch you guys forever. It's too hazardous to join now that i have to include this wriggling adik too. Jealousnya!

Anyway, some random photos.. taken within the last 2 months.

Trying out Che's Su's new swimsuit. Me n Che' Su went crazy laughing over this. Later, we were nicely scolded by Tok Pa - ok, no more girl clothing

Fav toy - Papa got you a mock up hphone. One that looks exactly like ours yet just for display

Your second movie - Madagascar2. Like the first time, Aunty Syude & Uncle Irwan joined this time. Like last time, you slept after 15 mins munching on popcorn. And oh.. Aunty Syude gave birth a few days after...

In the office, enjoying MSG-laced snacks

The highlight of our very rare visit to Alamanda

On Raya Haji - tired after following Papa to witness the slaughtering.

Your new 2009 rockstar haircut. Havent uploaded more clearer pics. Has grown longer now anyway. Made you look more like Papa, and in fact fuller and naughtier!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

2008 blessings

Dear Amir,
Tok Ma n Tok Pa came back from Aussie after 2 weeks of holidays (too much la this ppl!). Tok and An also left after 2 weeks in KL organising wedding stuff n wat nots. Everything is returning to routine. Today Tok Ma n Tok Pa took you and kakak to Seremban to visit my cousins. After 2 weeks of hectic schedule, Papa and I decided to have a laid back day so we are not joining.
So it's just the two of us now, having some quiet time alone in the emptiest Starbucks we can find, with internet and nothing else on our mind. It's a bit awkward cos we kinda forget how to spend time alone, without you around. But i can surely get use to this!
It's year end. Meaning it's reflection time for most (bloggers at least!). And i'm no exception. I was browsing few blogs, revisited some of the scribblings in my planner, cleaning up my email box... this year was definitely a GREAT year!
This year, i quit my job at the conglomerate who paid for major part of my education, endowed me with exposure locally n internationally, introduced me to wonderful friends that i wish to keep for life. Although it was liberating, i found myself in a bit of a struggle at first. Second guessing myself if i made the right decision. Whenever i hear a friend talking about business trips abroad, challenging projects, office gossips, it bites me a little. The things i forgo when i took this road. Looking back, i can definitely say i've no regrets. I love what i do now. I love the people i'm working with now (like duhh!). Although i dont necessarily gain so much more financially, unlike popular belief, (Tok Ma, Tok Pa, *hint *hint) i can confidently say that our quality of life has tremendously change. And that is worth so much more.
This year also saw you evolving from a baby to a healthy toddler without much hickups along the way. From a wriggly little thing who only knows to smile n chuckle, you're now a 'grown' soon-to-be abang with a mind of your own. Earlier today, when Tok Pa drove away with you in tow, we suddenly realised how noticeably empty our house felt without you around. Which means Mister, that you are now an individual so full of life, alhamdulillah.
This year, just after your first birthday, we received a great, great news that we're gonna welcome another family member next year. Little adik will be due early April, and so far, just like my pregnancy with you, things couldnt be better. Well, except that i've to start wearing my maternity clothes much faster, hence i need more to go about ! ; )
This year, I was hoping to tag along to Brisbane but we didnt manage too. We wanted to grab that free tix to Phuket recently and again, didnt manage too. But earlier this yr, we have enjoyed a memorable trip with the whole lot, Tok Ma, Tok Pa, your uncles n aunties in Pangkor. I know we have to dream big to achieve great things. But at times like this i prefer to look at the less fortunate and count my blessings that at least, we are still able to go on holidays with loved ones, a luxury to many. And for that i' m grateful. In fact, Papa and I also managed to squeeze some time to Jakarta/Bandung alone, in the name of work (hahaha..). So, we actually had our doze of oversea trip, i shouldnt be complaining.
Waa.. talk about reflection huh?
I think i better sign off, cos the original idea was to put our minds together to search for little adik's name.. without disturbance : )
Starbucks toffee nut latte is so sedap by the way. Maybe cos i've been deprived of coffee for a long time. Maybe sbb memang sedap that i feel like getting a second mug! Oh well, can wait till you come back later!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Child labour

Dear Amir,

I've mentioned here before that you're such a helpful little fella. You still give me that daily foot massage, nevermind that it only last two seconds or three.. but the fact that you'll come to me obediently when i asked you to massage my aching feet, simply is heart warming.. sejuk perut.

I still havent managed to snap a photo of you doing that tho, cos y'know it last 2, 3 secs max now anyway.. and i'd rather relax n indulge, while the 2-3 seconds lasts.. : )

What i havent mention is how helpful you've been with housework too. Thanks to Tok Ma, you've now pick up a thing or two about keeping things in place..

Dusting off Uncle Cho's tv

Berpeluh2 dan bertungkus lumus

I guess you're simply born an 'abang'. Which kinda help me feel a little bit more confident that things will be alright when adik arrives.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Dear Amir,

It's the year end, again. As usual, time flies huh.

One morning, a couple of days ago, I was lying on bed, contemplating if i should get up (at all). You were already on your feet, ransacking the toybox, making a mess in the room. Then you came up to me and kiss me for no reason. It was one of those days when you decide to be generous with your affection. Suddenly i found myself calculating your age.. eh, 16 mth ke?? Then I nudge Papa to confirm my calculation. "Mana ada.. 15 bulan la.." Your papa answered confidently, half asleep. The i count aloud.. and true enough.. memang dah 16 months! Hmpph.. another month gone without me realising eh? wat else is new..

I guess i owe you one dude.. At the moment i cant pinpoint any particular stuff that u picked up in your 16th mth, cos there's just too many. Everyday you surprise us with a new random word. And you've also picked up a routine of certain things.. a convenience that we have somehow taken for granted. One thing for sure, your daily routine now will consist of playing at the playground, be it with Che' Su near Tok Ma's place, or with kakak in front of our house. Sometimes both, one after another. This is where you've learned to make new friends and share your stuff. I'll let the pics do the talking

Look kakak!

Trying hard to belong

We fork out extra for a unit right in front of the playground - this look on your face made it all worth it!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Girl.. a tall girl

Dear Amir,

A week ago, we found out that little adik is a girl. A tall girl according to the doc. Alhamdulillah the scan shows that all limbs and organs are normal... within the estimated age of 20 weeks old baby, except for her exceptionally long legs..

Leggy girl this one is..

We are ecstatic. Not that we mind if this little lady turn out to be a boy upon arrival. But it's definitely nice to relate to little adik as being a girl (or a boy), you know wat i mean? Apa2pun, she's healthy. That's all that counts.

This is the little buddy that you kissed (from the outside) everyday
A 20 wks old baby with a 21 wks+ long legs

Monday, November 17, 2008

An escapade and a growth spurt

Dear Amir,
Papa and I just got back from a short working weekend getaway in PD. We were helping a friend of me organising an event, for some extra bucks.. that i planned to spend on you, since we have to leave you behind with Tok Ma for the deal (can you sense the guilt already??) It was tiring. A lot of walking about, standing around. I'm still recovering and i guess this will take few more days. Even Papa kong-ed out. It's kinda weird cos I was eight mths preggy with you when I was organising a very much bigger international event, going through sleepless nights for at least 2 weeks, and yet i think i have more energy then! And i actually sat for an exam of 3 papers in the mid of the chaotic weeks (and, to my surprise, still, passed 2 of them!)
Well, i was telling Aunty Gja that i feel old simply due to this fact. But it's impossible la kan given that it was just slightly a year back.. hmm.. Anyway, it's also funny how history repeats itself, me, 5 mths with little adik now, going through another exam (yes, the paper that i failed and repeated again n again..this part not funny ek). Despite having to leave you behind and risking failing my paper again, i felt that it was a good trip. Managed to meet a lot of people (and business opportunities) and Papa and me got to spend some quality time alone chatting into late nights (just like masa bercinta gayut2 kat telefon dulu!).
As soon as we got back, i weighed myself and was shocked to see that I gained a full kilo just within a few days. I remember telling someone proudly just last week that I only gained 2 kg so far and since i've lost 5kg from the start, i still have lots of buffer kan? Well, sitting down to type this pun is getting very2 uncomfy for me now. Yes, little adik had a growth spurt over the weekend! How timely cos we're gonna see her/him soon, right after my exam tomorrow. Doc say we'll be able to know if it's gonna be blue or pink this time around. And unlike your case, I'm voting (or veto-ing) that we'll annouce the gender as soon as we know it. We've learned our lesson, and hopefully tokma/pa will be more generous with the prebaby gifts knowing wat colour to buy... wishful!
I think I havent been saying much about my pregnancy here, have i? Well, it's been good. No morning sickness. More or less like my first experience with you, which was all wonderful minus the millions toilet trips. With this one, everything is faster. My bumps started showing much faster. I can feel the kick much earlier. The toilet trips, it is already now at the rate of when i was carrying you in my 7th-8th mths. I havent experience the karpel tunnel thingy yet unlike when i was carrying you and i havent had that may leg cramps like before despite the fact that i now enjoy less frequent bedtime foot massage from Papa comparative to my first pregnancy. Hmm.. i guess that's oklah. Afterall i think i've learned to be less manja too. Afterall the pampering i get to de-stress now is in the form of a chuckling toddler, poking at my nostril and belly button, who by the way, have learned to give me a foot massage too, having watched Papa did it few times. But this champ has his own way of doign things, a much more professional way (sorry Pa!), almost spa like, complete with baby lotion smeared on my tired calves, in between my toes.. ohh.. how i love those tiny playful fingers. I wish i have a pic here to show how your face looks while doing it - in full concentration, pouty lips, tounge slightly sticking out, droopy cheeks n all.. ugly but adorable..haha
I really should be studying actually.
But thanks for the break!
p/s : Al Fatihah to arwah Mak Cik Som, my aunt who passed away last week. Hope she is in a better place now and semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. It was my first time witnessing a jenazah, and the whole process of preparing for the funeral. It's a humbling experience, struck the very core of my being as a human, so I thought I just make a note of it here. Nothing in this world is permanent afterall.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

15th months and counting

Dear Amir,
There's so much I want to update but the lack of photo collection these days kinda put it off a little. Aaanyway, I wont hold it any longer and here goes, you in your 15th month.
  • Ever since Raya, you have started to gain weight abruptly, now standing at almost 12kg, a kg heavier than your weight during Raya. You normally take 7 bottles of 7oz milk per day now, and that means you're back to nite feeds which can be once or twice a nite. But that's Papa's job so i dont really mind.. heh! Foodwise, everything also can and everything also we give! Especially when you're with Tok Ma. spoilt spoilt spoilt.
  • You like to immitate ppl these days. You will try to say selective words that we utter and you will try to immitate sounds of the weirdest thing. Your favourite now is to immitate papa snoring when you wake up next to him every morning. Tok Ma said, over at her house, when you're doing something wrong and were told off, you'll do a low humming sound complete with a frown, immitating how Tok Pa normally scare/scold you. But of course, you wont do it when Tok Pa is around..tau takut! The other day, while walking about in Subang Parade, an old chinese man walk pass and wave to you. He had his hands crossed behind him and was slightly slouching forward. You looked at him, smiled then walked away with your hands crossed at the back, body slouched forward, exactly like him. It was hilarious and made me blush. Haha
  • Socially, I would expect you to become more apprehensive towards strangers now that you understand more. But noooo... you became more friendlylah these days, much to my worry, with all the horror happenings with little kids and strangers. Paranoid mom, i know. You get along well with kids at the playground. You dont mind sharing your toys. You like to smile and wave at strangers when we're out. You've also got along very well with 'kakak' and didnt fuss much when left alone to play with her while i do something else.
  • But of course, you've got your days and on those days that you decide to wake up a fussy boy you will do your best to make our life difficult. Especially insisting us to carry you everywhere.. Tok Ma usually fall victim to this cos she just hate to run around after you so she will just obey. You've also learned to try to delay your bedtime. You will normally jump around on the bed, take out all your toys and mess the room, provoke us to play chase etc. But of course it backfired cos it made you extra tired and made putting you to bed, when you decide to, normally just a little later anyway, a much easier job. Hah!
  • For some reason, we purposely started you off on Barney recently. But those blaring nursery rhymes and jovial kids dancing around is just not for youlah (yet.. i think). Instead you enjoy dancing to random music especially from tv commercials. And as narcisistic as it may sound, the only thing that you will sit still to watch is video clips of you on my handphone.. i bet my friends will tell me that you're trully a Mama's boy. Hey, wateva it is, there's no harm in loving yourself that much huh kid?
There's a whole lot of other development that i've noticed these days. One thing for sure, you're getting more active and noticeably smarter that it amazed me sometimes. I know it could be standard development milestone for toddlers your age but that doesnt stop me from feeling kembang and full of pride.
Anyway, a couple of nites ago, you were trying to climb on me as I was lying down. Something that is very normal (me - forever on my sedentary lazybum back, and you - forever trying to climb over stuff) So i thought i try to tell you about little adik. I rub my tummy and said "Baby sleeping, pity baby. Abang sayang baby". Then you start to gently stroke my tummy and plant a kiss there. I melt inside. You were such a darling and as i told you more about little adik, you listened attentively as if you understand. Then you lay your head on my tummy and nearly doze off there. Little adik also reacted by giving a little kick. Yes, I can feel little adik kick now, i think starting from last weekend. Quite fast this time around. Anyway, now, every nite, you will stroke my tummy and kiss it everytime i say "Sayang baby". One of my happiest moments these days..
Amir, you know it's getting harder for me to not think of what will be when adik arrives. But sometimes, all these development you showed gave me some confidence that things will just be alright and that you will be just a great brother as how you've been a great baby/toddler till now.
Wateva it is, we'll deal with it a day at a time huh? But for now, happy 15th months dear and mama loves you veryvery much!

My 15 mths old rockstar putting up a show for his obviously very amused mom!

(Guitar courtesy of Uncle Cho, thanks Cho!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Growing up

Dear Amir,
Lately i've noticed that you have grown so much in so many aspect. Two days ago, we were just lying in bed and I playfully asked where's your 'tangan', then you showed me your hand, 'kaki?, then you showed me your feet. I was so surprised and i asked Tok Ma if she teached you any of these. Tok Ma said you must have picked it up from our daily conversations cos she did not specifically teach you any of those. Today, I witnessed how you try to switch on the TV when Uncle Cho asked you to, and according to him he did not show you how.
Last weekend, we were in the car when i showed you a few busses that were passing us, then you go 'Baaa... baaa...' at every single big moving vehicle. Today, on the way to Tok Ma, i pointed to a lorry and said 'lorry' a few times. I noticed that you were paying very close attention to my mouth, and few lorries later, you went 'loll...lollo..loww..' Now that's fast!

You've also grown very keen to music. You like to dance to it, in your very own funny way.. almost like the Kiwi's haka steps. You will wiggle you arms, shake your head, stomp you feet when it's a fast number but will only sway your body left and right when it's a slow song.. hmm.. clever! You've also learned how to make the 'shame..shame..' gesture just by having us show you twice!

Looking all 'grown up' with your 'grown up' friends (Tok De Lah's clan)

Tok Ma said it's normal with kids your age, blink twice and you'll miss it. I guess i can say similar thing is happening to me, careerwise. Now that i'm handling things more or less on my own (with help of the awesome Aunty Gja n Aunty M), i realised that i'm unconsciously learning a lot of things at a mind numbing speed - about business, people and most important about myself. For some reason, i feel that i've grown as a person with this realisation. And i'm not talking about my expanding tummy!

In fact i feel 'older' la these past few days.. older in a very good way. How timely : )

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We have a kakak now

Dear Amir,
Three days ago, we fetched a pleasant surprise, in the form of 'kakak', our new helper. It was quite hilarious because we did not really expect that we would have a helper this soon. And we always thought that she would be stationed in Tok Ma's house cos there's nothing much to do around this house anyway (listen to me NOW!). But Tok Ma has other plans, so kakak is now a new occupant in this quiet house of ours. It kinda left us a bit err.. shocked.
Nonetheless, her existence definitely made my life easier although everything pertaining to you is still handled by me. Tonight I was able to cook dinner peacefully, with all the bawang already peeled and all, table laid out and not having to do dishes/clean the stove later on. I know it may not be a big deal. In fact, to some extent i feel that we are quite lavish to have a helper at this stage in our life. But then again, the main idea is that she'd be helping Tok Ma with you and some of her house chores so it made her almost a must even though Tok Ma said she is fine.
The funny thing about having kakak around is
1. I'm always nervous about what to ask her to do especially early in the morning, cos we wake up late, almost never have bfast at home and immediately rush to Tok Ma's when we are conscious enough to face the world
2. Papa keeps on worrying about giving her what she may lack, ie toiletteries, towel, food, a radio in the room perhaps, some mags/newspaper, a friendly conversation with me, food, some playtime with you, instruction about the alarm system in the house, cloth hanger, bedside lamp, alarm clock, food.. Today, I finally told him to relax.. cos he might be get a nervous breakdown if he keeps on like this.. haha
3. You became super excited and playful with us/her as if she is a guest and you need to charm her with all your might. You showed her your toys, played peek-a-boo, walk and run around the room then go back to watch her do her work, scream in excitement for no reason when she's around, run up to her and point towards her while looking at me and grin..
Tok Pa said, what's important is you are ok with her. Which is an understatement. You salam and kissed her hand on the first day, called her 'kakak' (no kidding!) by the next day and now you've became her shadow and have no problem when left alone with her.
I guess it's always easier for kids. As for me and Papa, the culture shock may take a while. Haha..

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hari Raya 2008

And we're baaaack!
After 10 full days of Raya break. Sigh..

Dear Amir,

Where do i start? It was your second Raya this time. We went back to Alor Setar two days before Raya and the journey back home was really smooth as it was drizzling and you were asleep in your carseat most of the time.

You enjoyed being in Alor Setar mainly because you were the center of attention most of the times. Your uncles, Pak Cik, Pak Ngah and Pak Teh were all back from KL. You get along well with them. Your favourite being Pak Cik, i think cos he looks a lot like Papa. Mak Long arrived on 2nd day of Raya. It was indeed a full house and i bet your Tok and An shared your joy with all their presence.

With pakcik

Tok made ketupat daun palas, rendang daging and serunding, as usual. I made some rendang ayam to accompany the ketupat. I let you have a taste of the ketupat, and it became your favourite food for the rest of our stay there. Tok Nek on the other hand prepared her notorious nasi tomato. You had a taste of that too and was also into it.

On the first day of Raya, the three of us went green. hehe. It was your first baju melayu and you were one little dashing guy wearing it! We couldnt stop snapping pics of you! And the songkok, surprisingly, it doesnt bother you one bit. Of course it lasted only till noon cos by then you went cranky, had a cool shower, went topless and slept for 2 hours. I guess that's the only upset, the heat. Of course, the fact that aircondless environment really gets to you especially at nite that sometimes i let you sleep topless right smack facing the stand fan.

On second day, your cousins arrived from Taiping. You instantly clicked with them and became their shadow for the rest of the days. You were super hyper around them and insist to be part of their activities all the time. When they eat, you'll eat, when they bathe, you'll stand by the bathroom and watch, when they read, you'll sit next to them and listen, and when they really play with you.. you simply go crazy! You'd be screaming on top of your voice, clapping away, laughing when they laugh. The setback is that it makes you so tired at nite that it's difficult to put you to sleep. Plus the heat is not helping, although you were bathed again and again. So while your cousins were around, your bedtime went as crazy as 2am! It drives my ketupat-stuffed head crazy too!

Anyway, I guess the highlight of our Raya was eating non stop (isnt it always abt food anyway??) and playing tourist around Alor Setar. We were quite adventurous this time too and let you have a go at eveything we ate. Kuey teow iman, the popular keow teow by the roadside near Tok's place (which was enjoyed by you while seating on a stool, next to a makeshift stall, by the roadside, just like org besar-besar..hehe), laksa, nasi minyak at a kenduri, all the different kerepek and kuih raya and manymanymany other things.

Minus the binky, you look like all grown up waiting patiently for your kuey teow

A day before we left Alor Setar, Papa drove us around the town. We went to the Menara Alor Setar, Kuala Kedah, Pekan Rabu, etc. We also checked out the new Tesco this one day cos mainly it's too hot elsewhere, and for the first time you didnt refuse the trolley's babyseat. You also slept while seating in the trolley while we were browsing around Giant (yeah, another one of those hot days). I realised it just in time to hold your floppy sleepy head. It was so cute and pitiful.

Well, all in all, it's a great Raya. Tiring, fattening, broke-ing, the usual weariness of Raya yet all is good. I have to admit though that a weeklong break can get too long with a cranky toddler late nite EVERY nite for the whole week. But as much as i yearn for our aircond bedroom back home (i'm terribly spoilt, i know), i feel sad when we left kampung that day. Especially when we're the last to leave. Leaving Tok, An and Mak Su in the quiet house again. I can only imagine how they must have felt sending us away, one after another, after what seems to be a weeklong of fullhouse party.

But of course, i also have to admit that i was veryveryvery looking forward to our Penang trip on the way back, which was also filled with many gastronomical delights : )

But that's for another post.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

Dear Amir,

All our bags are packed and we're ready to go!
We're heading to Alor Setar for our weeklong Raya hols and will be dropping by Penang for 2 nites on the way back.. yeay!

This Raya we have kinds splurge on you. And consequently that leaves me and papa with just one pair of decent baju raya. Hmmpph.. We've also succumb and got you your first pair of Nike shoes btw.. mama yang excited! We've also tried some of the raya gear on you so that you get used to it by the day.. (lesson learnt from your birthday party)

Hope our journey today will go well and safe ..stay put in the carseat ok?

Selamat Hari Raya to all. Maaf Zahir BAtin from me and family. Hope you have a blessed and great one. Also, drive safe... Ta!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's 14 months la..

Dear Amir,

When we were out last few days, a mom with a little girl who was sitted next to our table during berbuka asked me how old you are. I confidently answered "15 mths". She then glance to her little cute girl and said that she is a month younger. Then we were sharing random info about you and her. Then the father came and the lady related our conversation to him. "Oh.. he's a June baby then. She's born on 2oth July." he told me. I realised then that I was a dufus and has just forgotten how old my son was.. it's 14lah Mama.. Amir's 14 mths. Around the same time i realised that I owe you this entry.

So 14 months now eh boy?
14 is always my favourite number and this 14th month has been wonderful so far. You're beginning to find your appetite back (after the series of fever). Your fav food is satay, cheese crackers and karipap - you definitely take after your Papa's palate. Yesterday, you were introduced to a good bowl of laksa utara.. and i think you really enjoyed it judging from the slurp and the 'aaaahhh ..' that follows after every mouhtful. You also prefer to self feed now, especially when given a chance to use the spoon.. not that you get any food in pun. Sometimes, when i feel like it, i just let you have fun with it. In fact bottle feeding has reached another comfort level now that you're willing to hold your own bottle and cleverly hand me the bottle sometimes with the cap once you're done. Even in the wee hours of the morning. Even when you're in the stroller.

You have also mastered a new word.. "Nok" which is really Nak (I want) in Kelantanese slang. I'm very pleased that you took after the slang.. and it made it extra cute when you insist on things, mostly food. "Nok..mamamamaa...nok!" Hahah.. i'm getting ambitious and hope the next word will be "tokse" which is tak nak (I dont want). But really, i didnt make a concious effort to teach you the slang anyway.. which shows that your parroting skill is kicking in.

You comprehend a lot of things too now. You understand what to do when we ask you to 'sit', 'sleep', 'salam', 'put back' and 'close'. We thought you to salam recently since Hari Raya is around the corner, half hoping that this new trick will earn you big angpow.. haha..opportunist betul. Just a few rounds of demo was all you need. But when you do salam, it will be sometimes followed by a quick retract of the hand and you clapping away in pride (as though you've achieved something - i think your friend Yazid went through this once too!). Sometimes it is accompanied by a kiss, either a sloppy one complete with the sound effect orr you'll draw the person's hand and rub it against your cheek. Cuteness!

Despite all these happy development, we're also beginning to see the onset of the terrible twos behaviours. The tantrums, the shrieking.. the never ending energy to do almost everything at odd hours of the day. Especially now that you wake up during sahur, sometimes.. and refuses to sleep after that. But so far you havent been avoiding my cuddles yet.. and for that I'm so happy. In fact you love cuddling so much, even more. Perhaps you understand that soon you will have to share me with a more needy dependant baby. Most nites now, you'll doze off my arm as your bolster.. ( a good one that is.. one of the benefits of having a 'fleshy' mom..haha) It breaks my heart that I have to wean you off our bed around this time too.. in preparation for the next bed invader. But the progress been great though, so I guess I have to tough it up and cherish the fact that you're cooperating.

Tok Ma said you're learning so fast now that when we didnt go over to her house during weekends, she'll find you doing new stuff by Monday. Haha.. It's been fun watching you grow day by day. I hope I will remember to still indulge and enjoy this when adik arrives. Sometimes when i think about it i feel overwhelmed that we're gonna have another child soon cos having you alone is already so much fun! I cant wait to see you grow as an elder bro soon. I bet you'll be a dotting one. Whatever it is, you'll always be my baby.. i love you and nothing in the world can ever change that. Happy 14th mth Amir!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jazmibear 32

Dear Amir,

Today, the love of our lives, our fav guy, Papa, turned 32.

The three of us spent some time together running errands and doing some last minute Raya shopping (finally!). We also went for my check up and saw 'little adik' squiggling around. You were in the best mood throughout everything. It was tiring, but we had fun didnt we? After buka puasa (you ate porridge and buns like there's no tomorrow) and running after a cute girl, you doze off in the stroller giving us a chance for some dessert n lepak2. But Papa was worried that you would be uncomfy and start to cry in the middle of our planned 'romantic supper', so we went home instead..

But i do have a surprise installed for him later : )
Pls keep it between us k Amir? :P

To my beloved husband, my best friend and my favourite bear (haha!)

Happy Birthday dear and hope you have a blessed life ahead with lots of cuddles from your loved ones.. : )
Thank you for every single thing that you have done for me, for us.
We love you so much and more...

And.. the surprise..tungguuuuu...

Your Noreenbear and Budak Tembun

Monday, September 22, 2008

Raya shopping - the mission impossible

Dear Amir,

This weekend is the last weekend before we head back for weeklong balik kampung to Alor Star. So, i tot i'd squeezed in some last minute shopping. Noticed that you only have one baju melayu (your first!) and that's it, for Raya. I dunno wat got into me but i really dont have mood to shoplah lately (maybe cos no money..haha!)

Aunty Adniz gave birth to her lovely firstborn girl on Thursday nite. So we made plan to visit her the next day while including a short shopping trip before/after the visit. But we left late, and tak sempat for anything except for the visit n then buka puasa on the way back. You were also cranky by dinnertime, so that's it lah. Anyway, the little girl was soo tiny and cute. Very sharp features for a one day old! You enjoyed the trip playing around with Uncle Khalid and was in the best of mood. But when i held the baby, you started acting weird and got clingy. I think that was jealousy, and it was our first time seeing you react like this. Hmm.. how timely..

On Saturday, i kong-ed. Cant stand, bend over or even watch tv cos i felt very nauseous. I cant even talk at some point and it's a big deal cos I havent experienced such thing in this n previous pregnancy. So basically my plan to clean the house and then go out for the much anticipated shopping trip went down the drain. Thank God you decided to just hang around and nap for 3 hours! When i felt a bit better, we went out to visit my old friend and then buy our dinner. So again, no shopping.

Yesterday, we went to KLCC, to accompany Papa who went for his site visit at a nearby building. Papa dropped us at Isetan.. how strategic! Isetan was having a 3 days only mad sale, and i immediately KIVed a few items to purchase for you, but shopping alone with you made it quite impossible. So we hang around at the toy/play section while waiting for Papa. When Papa arrived, i quickly gave him a rundown of what we should get for you. He was agreeable but for some reason we walked out of Isetan and decided to scout for place for berbuka instead. That leads us to KLCC park.. dont ask me why. And here.. i'll just let the pics do the talking.. We didnt bring a cam along, should have, but then again it was suppose to be a shopping trip right.. There were many ppl with their supercool SLRs around the park, and quite a number stopped to take your photo.. and you, my boy were grinning away macam bagus! Anyway, again, we end up berbuka and left home empty handed

So, basically our last weekend, which was supposed to be very hectic and see everything done (ie shopping, cleaning house, sorting out baju to bring back) went by just like that, and nothing was quite achieved.. hehe. But i enjoyed our weekend out though.. we should do it more often.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Being fair

Dear Amir,

As much as I want to claim myself as a visionary far sighted person, the reality is i'm a not.

Hence, when I wanted to create a blog for you, amirchampion seems like a nice name. (and it
was available!). What i failed to see was that we want to have many kids.. and now with 'little adik' on the way, i'm contemplating how i should make room for the arrival without taking your personal space.

I didnt get a chance to track my pregnancy progress with you. Partly in fear that it'll jinx the whole process.. (adeke?). With little adik, i think i want things differently. The only thing is, is it fair to write for/about little adik in your journal here? Or should i create one solely for him/her too? And if we do end up with 5 kids (your Papa is still hopeful), does that means I'll have 5 blogs to handle?? Haha.. i'm quite certain that's quite ridiculous.

So here starts the dilemma for me as a parent. Keeping this equal and fair for everyone.

But i think i've decided, I'll be fair (and realistic) to myself. You get the privilege as the big bro. As 'the leader'.. so amirchampion it is. But from now on, it'll contain about my other little championss (insyaAllah). I hope you dont mind. You must also starts to learn to share, right? And i really wanna start you early. But of course, you'll still be the main cast. For now. : )

Manja little abang!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ramadhan and my food cravings

Dear Amir,

Yesterday we started fasting. That explains why both of Papa and I have been waking up in the middle of the nite to eat! I know you looked very confuse when you woke up at 5am to see us makan nasik but that's how it works and it's called sahur. When you're older, i'll teach you about the whole deal ok?

The start of this Ramadhan was ok for both of us. I cooked on the first day. Nasi jagung and your Papa's favourite ayam masak merah. We also had fresh watermelon juice, which was also enjoyed by you. Today we settled for what Papa bought from pasar ramadhan. I made popiah, been longing for homemade popiah. Those popiah they sell with overflowing sauce on top doesnt do it for me lah. By the way, Papa was really upset with his purchases.. macam tak ikhlas berniaga he said.. pity him. I'll try to cook more often if i have the energy to.

Papa was a bit concern about me fasting since i'm still in my early weeks and been having headache quite often, especially when i'm hungry (but couldnt eat cos loya). But i think with good niat, God will help me through it. Well, first day was fine.. in fact i managed to cook n clean up the kitchen, mop the whole bedroom cos you suddenly puked while happily playing (?), change the bedspread.. quite somethingla since we havent been sleeping well the last two nites since you were very restless and wailing like never before. In fact the only reason you stop was because you lost your voice and Pooh was in sight. (We wont be having Pooh for a while, cos you vomitted all over your poor friend the other day)

Anyway, talk about food and all, i've been having 'some' cravings (already??). But luck or rezeki has really been on 'little adik's side. Last 2 weeks, I crave for Pasembor Penang and was in fact planning a trip with Papa there, that very evening, we went for a neighbour's bday party and guess wat?? Pasembor was the main item.. sedap pulak tu! I told the host I was craving for it and help myself to a few servings of the treasured dish. haha... tak malu! Then last week, I wanted JCo Donuts.. promptly enough Uncle Wan was in Sunway Pyramid so he bought me a box that evening. I never ate donuts that many and that fast in one go!

I also got my Tony Roma's onion loaf. We went for Tony Roma after your/my check up the other day(belated anniversary) and that was the main thing i ate even though we ordered quite a number of things. Then last weekend, we went for Nyonya food, cos suddenly i found myself drooling over some pics of assam fish and pandan chicken. Also last weekend, our neighbourhood was suppose to have a bbq to menyambut ramadhan, but it was changed to steamboat instead. I was frustrated. That nite itself, Tok Ayoh Loh called asking us to go over and help them finish the abundant bbq lamb, leftover from their earlier makan2.

All I can say is alhamdulillah. Hope i havent been melampau with all these sudden urge to eat this and that. Papa is worried that 'little adik' is going to be a spoilt baby, with an expensive taste too.. hehe.

But one thing remains elusive - the authentic 'aussie' shawarma kebab complete with tabouleh, sour cream, melted cheese n all. Just like the one the lebanese sell in australia. The one that I've grown tired of when we were in australia, cos that's the easiest, cheapest halal food around. And now i'm craving for it.

Which is almost sad cos I've been craving for it since my pregnancy with you. And now it's back.
We'll see if i'm in luck this time.
Nonetheless, alhamdulillah for all these rezeki Ya Allah and wish everyone a blessed Ramadhan ahead.
p/s: Papa bought kebab from pasar ramadhan today, but the soggy piece of pita overflowing with cheap sauce is no consolation i'm afraid. Thanks dear... i appreciate it how you try and try..

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy 53rd Bday Ma!

Dear Amir,

Today is 29th Aug.. means yesterday was 28th Aug, Tok Ma's 53rd birthday.

But i totally missed it! Didnt really forget, but i was SOO CONVINCED that yesterday was 27th instead

The funny thing is
- I planned to sms your uncles n Che Su today to remind them to call Tok Ma
- I wish someone else Happy Belated Birthday on my facebook yesterday!
- I called her few times yesterday but talked about something else .. d'ohh!!
- Yesterday, I was aware that today is going to be 29th
- I wrote a few official letters, dating them 27th aug
- I was at AirAsia website, checking some dates for travel

It was 11.50pm and I was getting ready to sleep when i realised. Quickly wrote her an sms, cos it was too late to call. They were in Bali, and had a outrageously early flight to catch this morning. Somehow, the sms couldnt get through. I tried calling, my hp batt died on me. Try to charge, it wouldnt on.. and it has gone haywire..since i ... err.. dropped it earlier. Papa was out, brought his hp along. So i slept with the biggest guilt, feeling like the biggest loser ever.

Anyway, that was my story. It appears that I was the only one who didnt wish her.. :(
Happy Birthday Ma!
I know this came late and I've no excuse for it except for .. err.. pregnesia?
I hope you had a good time with Pa in Bali. You totally deserved it.
Thank you for all you have done for us, the highly dependant lazybums.
Hugs n kisses!

Here's my two fav pics of her, a dotting mother and the supergranny (pictured with you and Airel at few weeks old)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

13 mths old 'abang'

Dear Amir,

Earlier this week you turned 13 months.
Last month saw a lot of things happening.. that i forgot to post about your 12 mths milestone altogether! Alhamdulillah, this month things has started to settle down a bit.
You are now a proud owner of 2 upper and 2 lower teeth. Finally! They showed up around your 1st birthday and I can see a few more trying to make appearance soon. I think these 4 teeth cutting is one of the main reason that you resisted food most of last month. And I guess cos you were mostly sick anyway. But last week, things changed dramatically. You ate like a champ..perhaps getting used to the new 'tools' that you just got. Your menu has also expanded overnight since you eat what we eat. You'll bang the dining table to demand food and will smack your lips in the cutest way when you see food on the table. And with every feed, you'll clap happily with a satisfactory smile.

You are quite eager to talk.. or at least am very vocal now. Besides mama and papa, the only thing you can say now is 'bard' (bird), 'bah' (boy), 'baaa' (bye) 'arrkk' (allahuakhbar) 'aoowww' (hello) haha. Others mostly will be uhhh and aaahhh.. which is quite challenging to comprehend. Anyway, you can also comprehend a lot of things now. You will come to me and lay on my arms when i say 'Sleep mama' at your bedtime, you'll tug your clothes when i open the bathroom door and say 'Mandi', say 'Allahuakhbar' and you'll throw your hand in air and sujud while trying hard to balance yourself.. (cute!). 'Sayang mama' will see you coming near me and press your forehead against mine (you have your own way of expressing love huh?). And when you think you've achieved something (like putting two blocks together, ate a mouthfull of food, climb down your toybike by yourself) you'll clap your hand and sit and bang the floor with full excitement.

You received a lot of toys for your birthday. And promptly enough, you have learned to play with them and not just bite of throw them around. One of the toys that you got was this Pooh bear which is about your size. You love him to pieces and will hug him whenever he's in sight. He's the same height when both of you are seated. When we play with Pooh, i usually use the babytalk tone. This is where you learn to use high pitch voice when talking to something cute.. like a doll or a cat or fish in tank. So cute and smart at the same time.

You're also getting more active now. You love climbing up and down small tables, the stairs, your toycar/bike, me.. etc. You love playing chase with balls, small cars etc. Basically staying put to play is a thing in the past now. One thing that i find cute yet quite disturbing is the fact that you love playing with my handbag. Putting in over our shoulder and walking about.. sometimes waving around. Sigh... i'll try not to take it too seriously. You're just a toddler exploring and immitating things huh?

Yesterday we went for your 12th mth check up.. which was yeah, a month late. You weigh 10.5kg now and is a few cm taller than ur last check up(I cant remember exactly!). You caused quite a scene cos you couldnt stop walking and babbling, giggling by yourself. Loving ALL the attention huh??

Anyway, we saw 'little adik' yesterday. I saw the heartbeat! Poor thing Papa couldnt concentrate cos you were around too.

So 'little abang', we shall see what awaits us in coming month and beyond huh. I think it's going to be exciting..insyaAllah

Love you loads dear..

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When the going gets tough

Dear Amir,

So you're going to be an abang soon, insyaAllah.

I guess you knew it before anyone else, cos you started acting up weird, extraextra clingy, refusing anyone else but me since a few weeks before I found out. The gang at Tok Ma's house has already started to call you abang.. some in sarcastic tone, suggesting to me it's quite ridiculous for you to be an abang at this tender age. What they forgot to see is that all of them (us, my siblings) are around 2 years age difference anyway. I guess because you're currently THE baby of the house so it's quite hard to digest.

Actually, frankly speaking, it even feel surreal to me still. And I havent been to any check up yet since the last time we went to the doc to confirm. Am waiting for this fever/cough to fully subside. For some reason i'm very nervous about meeting the doc this time. What if we suddenly find out that there are twins there?? Quite honestly, that's the first thing i thought when i found out i'm a pregger. Funny! I dont believe it's a sign. I never trusted my mothers instinct. Cos i have none.. hmpphh..

Anyway, Tok Ma has been unwell since last week. She had to stay in the hospital for few days but am now back at home. But she's still not herself, very weak and in need of lots and lots of rest. It's nothing specific, but she's sickly most of the times. We're rearranging a few routines around the house to allow her the best of rest she can get. For a start, we're moving everything from the home office to the main office so that she cant get access to any work anymore.. and yeah, so that officematters will stop bothering her. Like it or not, i'll be in charge now. So Uncle Wan and I will be relocating. We have also divided chores around the house so that she doesnt have to do much housework. And that's the easy part.

Now comes the real issue (at least to me), taking care of you. I'll be working from the real office now, which is no place for a boy like you. Well, we can bring you along but it'll be such a pity for you huh? Leaving you with Tok Ma will be taxing on her, especially now that you have acquired more climbing and acrobatic skills. So we are looking for a nursery nearby the office to place you, at least for half day session. Now typing that makes me gulp. I'm such a softie when it comes to matters like this. Spoilt mother! We are also looking for a new bibik now cos i guess it's time. Oh, i didnt mention that Tok Ma's bibik left for good a few weeks ago. So you see the trail of event? Bibik left, bday party without bibik, tokma me and you demam, tok ma hospitalised, (we found out i'm pregnant), on panic search for nursery & new bibik for me (and Tok Ma)..

I think I had it too easy all these while. That the thought of sending you off to a nursery feels like a big major huge deal. I feel ashamed of myself, i mean take a look around.. it's just a normal routine for other working mothers. Anyway, apart from this nursery issue, am still coming to terms with other matters too like being the one in charge (sort of) at the office, being the responsible firstborn girl and take care of tokma's house (when ours are more often than not, a total mess) and going through these changes while my body is growing another child.

Am still calm. In fact i think i'm cool (Again, except for the nursery part, i'll be a major drama on that part) Weird jugak. Especially when i feel and kind of sure that this pregnancy has made me into a total emo wreck! More details later.

Anyway, i'll just take it a day at a time. Breath in breath out. Folic acid in. Kiss Amir. Ensure Tok Ma rests and takes her med. Hug Papa. Kiss Amir. Hug Amir. Blog... : )

Amir, do behave ok. We really2 need you to this time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Dear Amir,
Today Papa&Mama turned 3. Three wonderful years together. Three years of enjoying each others company. Three years of looking past each others mistakes. Three years of celebrating each others good days. Three years of lending each others shoulder to cry on. Three years of driving each others insane. Three wonderful years together.

Us on THE day..

Our first pic as a family of three.. a few weeks shy of Papa&Mama turning 2.

As a couple, we dont celebrate Valentines. I think somewhere along the way, we made a promise to totally ignore Valentines and only celebrate our anniversary instead. For our first anniversary, we stayed at a hotel right smack in KL, went for dinner and then have a stroll in KL golden triangle. I was in my confinement when we celebrated our 2nd anniversary. Tok Ma gave us the green light to sneak out for a lunch date together. So we did. And black pepper steak it was.. cos black pepper wat.. good for my condition then : )

Today, we are staying home. I'm going to cook simple dinner soon, like any other days. I'm still not my 100% healthwise. You are still coughing and sneezing too. So it's a no-go. No celebration for today. I feel slightly upset. But i guess it's ok. Afterall, there are manymanymany more years to celebrate.. insyaAllah. And we have recently received the best news, the best gift we can get for a third year anniversary : )
Happy Anniversary sayang. me love you so much.

Our precious 'gift' from God