Wednesday, November 5, 2008

15th months and counting

Dear Amir,
There's so much I want to update but the lack of photo collection these days kinda put it off a little. Aaanyway, I wont hold it any longer and here goes, you in your 15th month.
  • Ever since Raya, you have started to gain weight abruptly, now standing at almost 12kg, a kg heavier than your weight during Raya. You normally take 7 bottles of 7oz milk per day now, and that means you're back to nite feeds which can be once or twice a nite. But that's Papa's job so i dont really mind.. heh! Foodwise, everything also can and everything also we give! Especially when you're with Tok Ma. spoilt spoilt spoilt.
  • You like to immitate ppl these days. You will try to say selective words that we utter and you will try to immitate sounds of the weirdest thing. Your favourite now is to immitate papa snoring when you wake up next to him every morning. Tok Ma said, over at her house, when you're doing something wrong and were told off, you'll do a low humming sound complete with a frown, immitating how Tok Pa normally scare/scold you. But of course, you wont do it when Tok Pa is around..tau takut! The other day, while walking about in Subang Parade, an old chinese man walk pass and wave to you. He had his hands crossed behind him and was slightly slouching forward. You looked at him, smiled then walked away with your hands crossed at the back, body slouched forward, exactly like him. It was hilarious and made me blush. Haha
  • Socially, I would expect you to become more apprehensive towards strangers now that you understand more. But noooo... you became more friendlylah these days, much to my worry, with all the horror happenings with little kids and strangers. Paranoid mom, i know. You get along well with kids at the playground. You dont mind sharing your toys. You like to smile and wave at strangers when we're out. You've also got along very well with 'kakak' and didnt fuss much when left alone to play with her while i do something else.
  • But of course, you've got your days and on those days that you decide to wake up a fussy boy you will do your best to make our life difficult. Especially insisting us to carry you everywhere.. Tok Ma usually fall victim to this cos she just hate to run around after you so she will just obey. You've also learned to try to delay your bedtime. You will normally jump around on the bed, take out all your toys and mess the room, provoke us to play chase etc. But of course it backfired cos it made you extra tired and made putting you to bed, when you decide to, normally just a little later anyway, a much easier job. Hah!
  • For some reason, we purposely started you off on Barney recently. But those blaring nursery rhymes and jovial kids dancing around is just not for youlah (yet.. i think). Instead you enjoy dancing to random music especially from tv commercials. And as narcisistic as it may sound, the only thing that you will sit still to watch is video clips of you on my handphone.. i bet my friends will tell me that you're trully a Mama's boy. Hey, wateva it is, there's no harm in loving yourself that much huh kid?
There's a whole lot of other development that i've noticed these days. One thing for sure, you're getting more active and noticeably smarter that it amazed me sometimes. I know it could be standard development milestone for toddlers your age but that doesnt stop me from feeling kembang and full of pride.
Anyway, a couple of nites ago, you were trying to climb on me as I was lying down. Something that is very normal (me - forever on my sedentary lazybum back, and you - forever trying to climb over stuff) So i thought i try to tell you about little adik. I rub my tummy and said "Baby sleeping, pity baby. Abang sayang baby". Then you start to gently stroke my tummy and plant a kiss there. I melt inside. You were such a darling and as i told you more about little adik, you listened attentively as if you understand. Then you lay your head on my tummy and nearly doze off there. Little adik also reacted by giving a little kick. Yes, I can feel little adik kick now, i think starting from last weekend. Quite fast this time around. Anyway, now, every nite, you will stroke my tummy and kiss it everytime i say "Sayang baby". One of my happiest moments these days..
Amir, you know it's getting harder for me to not think of what will be when adik arrives. But sometimes, all these development you showed gave me some confidence that things will just be alright and that you will be just a great brother as how you've been a great baby/toddler till now.
Wateva it is, we'll deal with it a day at a time huh? But for now, happy 15th months dear and mama loves you veryvery much!

My 15 mths old rockstar putting up a show for his obviously very amused mom!

(Guitar courtesy of Uncle Cho, thanks Cho!)


nuhaafnan said...

the video is so cute! he totally rocks. eh, when he does that impersonation of Tok Pa, take a pic lah. I have a pic of Nunu imitating her teacher scolding her. lol

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

Amir is so so so cute!

It's great that he's so generous and all. Gib has recently developed "symptoms anak sorang" and i hope we'll have a second one soon so that he'll learn to really share.

and alhamdulillah i'm so glad to hear he gets along with kakak! good help is so hard to find!

ira said...

awww amir!
i couldnt help it imagine how he immitate that chinese man.LOL must be so comel!!

happy 15th mth amir dear.

babe,when's ur due?