Monday, September 22, 2008

Raya shopping - the mission impossible

Dear Amir,

This weekend is the last weekend before we head back for weeklong balik kampung to Alor Star. So, i tot i'd squeezed in some last minute shopping. Noticed that you only have one baju melayu (your first!) and that's it, for Raya. I dunno wat got into me but i really dont have mood to shoplah lately (maybe cos no money..haha!)

Aunty Adniz gave birth to her lovely firstborn girl on Thursday nite. So we made plan to visit her the next day while including a short shopping trip before/after the visit. But we left late, and tak sempat for anything except for the visit n then buka puasa on the way back. You were also cranky by dinnertime, so that's it lah. Anyway, the little girl was soo tiny and cute. Very sharp features for a one day old! You enjoyed the trip playing around with Uncle Khalid and was in the best of mood. But when i held the baby, you started acting weird and got clingy. I think that was jealousy, and it was our first time seeing you react like this. Hmm.. how timely..

On Saturday, i kong-ed. Cant stand, bend over or even watch tv cos i felt very nauseous. I cant even talk at some point and it's a big deal cos I havent experienced such thing in this n previous pregnancy. So basically my plan to clean the house and then go out for the much anticipated shopping trip went down the drain. Thank God you decided to just hang around and nap for 3 hours! When i felt a bit better, we went out to visit my old friend and then buy our dinner. So again, no shopping.

Yesterday, we went to KLCC, to accompany Papa who went for his site visit at a nearby building. Papa dropped us at Isetan.. how strategic! Isetan was having a 3 days only mad sale, and i immediately KIVed a few items to purchase for you, but shopping alone with you made it quite impossible. So we hang around at the toy/play section while waiting for Papa. When Papa arrived, i quickly gave him a rundown of what we should get for you. He was agreeable but for some reason we walked out of Isetan and decided to scout for place for berbuka instead. That leads us to KLCC park.. dont ask me why. And here.. i'll just let the pics do the talking.. We didnt bring a cam along, should have, but then again it was suppose to be a shopping trip right.. There were many ppl with their supercool SLRs around the park, and quite a number stopped to take your photo.. and you, my boy were grinning away macam bagus! Anyway, again, we end up berbuka and left home empty handed

So, basically our last weekend, which was supposed to be very hectic and see everything done (ie shopping, cleaning house, sorting out baju to bring back) went by just like that, and nothing was quite achieved.. hehe. But i enjoyed our weekend out though.. we should do it more often.


Nina @ BabyBoon said...

hah...sounds a lot like my weekends lately. and i dont even have a pregnancy as an excuse! ;) but honestly, the more stuff u have to do, suddenly tiba tiba pulak adaaaa aje hal lain to do. sighhh