Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday randomness

Dear Amir,

Today is lazing around day.
You are wrestling Papa on the bed. Occasionally, both of you give me mild heart attack for rolling to near to the edge. When I shout in shock like a madwoman, you break into giggles and attempt to do it again.

So that's today. Papa bought some DVD, mostly silly movies. We planned for movie marathon later. Maybe after seafood lunch with Aunty Hetz n gang. Also in the mood for baking. Baked orange butter cake for Uncle Syam's hse warming yesterday. It was a hit with Tok Ma. She asked me to bake it again. I'm out f orange. Perhaps lemon butter cake la since i still have some lemons left.

Since yesterday, little adik has been doing all sorts of stunt from the inside. My tummy is constantly on tremor. This mini belly earthquake has forced me to go to toilet almost a dozen of times already, today. Also, i've noticed that i'm starting to pant now. Out of breath even by doing the simplest of things. And i've been sweating like a menopausal lady. Which put me off cooking a bit cos it's way too hot in the kitchen. By the way, i think we may have found a name for her. Which i have thought you to pronounce.

You just knocked on Papa's head with you milk bottle. Now picking his nose and poking at his eyes. I can just sit here and watch you guys forever. It's too hazardous to join now that i have to include this wriggling adik too. Jealousnya!

Anyway, some random photos.. taken within the last 2 months.

Trying out Che's Su's new swimsuit. Me n Che' Su went crazy laughing over this. Later, we were nicely scolded by Tok Pa - ok, no more girl clothing

Fav toy - Papa got you a mock up hphone. One that looks exactly like ours yet just for display

Your second movie - Madagascar2. Like the first time, Aunty Syude & Uncle Irwan joined this time. Like last time, you slept after 15 mins munching on popcorn. And oh.. Aunty Syude gave birth a few days after...

In the office, enjoying MSG-laced snacks

The highlight of our very rare visit to Alamanda

On Raya Haji - tired after following Papa to witness the slaughtering.

Your new 2009 rockstar haircut. Havent uploaded more clearer pics. Has grown longer now anyway. Made you look more like Papa, and in fact fuller and naughtier!


nuhaafnan said...

hmm orange and lemon butter cake, my favs! and u sure that is a rockstar hairstyle? nampak cam mawi jer... hihi kidding. alah, i love his wild bulu jagung hairstyle.

Nikmummy said...

Yeah, actually bukan rockstar mana pun. More like ermm.. the Beckham boys.. hahaha.. and no, not Mawi, pleasee..

Cant wait for the bulu jagung to grow, i prefer it that way to, although looks damn panas on him

kiddo's mom said...

handsome la amir. seriously. makin lama makin handsome, even with the pacifier hehehe. he looks like he's so ready to be an abang!