Friday, February 1, 2008

We're going swimming!

Dear Amir

Tok Ma said you have started to pick yourself up to a seating position lately. So yesterday, I let you free on the big duvet spread across the living room and had a great time watching you try different acts to bring your body up by yourself. There was one time that you managed to position yourself on all four for a brief moment. I know it’s kinda normal development for this at your age but that brief moment made me so proud dear. It feels surreal to see you so ‘grown up’ that way. In fact lately, I often find myself saying ‘Besar dah Amir, Pa’, responded by a smile, most of the time a very suggestive one, from your Papa.

Last week, when we were in shopping for your ‘swimming stuff’, the saleslady told us that the infant carrier cum car seat you are sitting in is due for an upgrade to a bigger one. Memang pun, cos your feet are already jutting out of the seat.. hehe. So now, we are on a search. Papa, being the gadget maniac he is, is especially excited about this. Of course his excitement is often spoilt by the reality indicated on the price tags. So, we are now relying on the power of cyber networking, in search for second hands. (Anyone out there interested to let go a car seat for 9kg and above?)

Ok, speaking of ‘swimming stuff’, we’re off to Pangkor this weekend! It’ll be your first time in swimming pool, so am really hoping that the weather will be kind to us. The trip is courtesy of your Tok Pa (and his almost expiring vouchers, as usual) and since all your uncles are around this time, Tok Pa has generously extended the invitation to Aunty Gja and Aunty Farah to join us. (Luxuries that kids enjoy these days kan.. paid vacation with gf courtesy of parents!) Of course, it’s only because we’re around and that they can help to babysit you while mama and papa berhoneymoon.. ahhaha. Papa is going to treat me to a spa session (him included of course), which is something I’m really2 looking forward to.

But just before that, you’ll be joining us to an alumni reunion in my old boarding school in Melaka on Saturday. The last time I was there is actually the day I left school. So having you in tow, back to where I used to study some ten year ago, is going to be nostalgic!

Will be back with pics later.. I’m going to be on leave from Wed till next weekend so I guess I got time..

Happy holidays everyone!