Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Half year mark

Dear Amir,

You are 6 months old now! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOY!
Pardon me for being this excited about it, but 6 months is quite a milestone huh? Not just a milestone for you but also for me as a newbie on this mommy track. So yeay to both of us!

OK..at 6 months old you are 7.8 kg and 65cm tall (that’s 2 weeks ago actually). You are thriving on your new solid diet now. We have started you on rice and vege and some fruits. I have recently started to cook your meals, but my first attempt at it, using chicken in your porridge, was not well anticipated by you. Hmmphh.. Putting it off for a while.. will retry later. Anyway, Tok Ma have also introduced you to fresh fruits – your favourite being banana and fuji apple. Everyday she will let you have your way with a slice of fruit and since you haven’t cut any tooth yet, it is quite a hardwork but VERY ENGAGING session for you – which normally ends with a scream when we take away the battered piece of fruit from you.

You have started to lift up your upper body quite frequently and for an extended time. But part behind tu, maybe a bit berat sikit.. hehe.. I don’t mind if it’s not that soon anyway.. cos the house is not quite prepared for that yet.. hehe. You love rolling from side to side and can move backward quite fast, but you still struggle to move forward though.

You are still your talkative self, especially when you are angry. Lately we noticed that you have started to mumble “Mamma’ when you are insisting on something. This normally happens at ridiculous hours in the morning, when you are restless in bed and want a hug and lullaby. I know it’s getting a bit mengada especially when you are ok sleeping on your own in your cot just a few weeks back, but when you say “Mamma!” I cant do anything else but succumb to all your request. The problem is, we are not even sure if the word carries any meaning to you or it’s just a regular coincident. But, naturally, I would like to think that you are endearingly calling for ME!

Socially speaking, you are still ok with strangers. Except for those who gets too excited or talked to you louder than you are used to. You LOVE to play hide n seek with Papa, something I prefer only to observe cos the game u guys play requires crawling discreetly around the bed and surprise you from its different side. Yeah, you really like the surprise element, and surprisingly, you like it better the louder it is.. So loud cries while crawling around the bed.. it’s too physically challenging la for me.. J. I normally resort to the 'counting game' - which u enjoyed as much, and does not cause a strain on my back.

So many things have progressed ever since you arrived. And this month, the 6th mth, I dare say that things have more or less settled down to a routine. Although all the excitement and anxiousness has kinda subsided (ie we no longer feel the crazy urge to buy something for u whenever we go out, get nervous everytime it’s bedtime knowing that our peaceful sleep is at your mercy, go frantic whenever you let out a little cry, get all tense thinking about how I’m unable to bfeed you), our love for you has only gotten stronger and stronger. It’s ‘almost’ like watching a happy ending to a movie, where loving couple look at each other while playing with their baby.. i know i know it sounds yucky but y’know..it’s happening to us!! Cliché’ and corny as it may sound, you made us complete dear..

Happy half year old Amir.

Current favourite pose!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being a mom!

The relationship that you have with Amir reminds me of myself when I had my firstborn.

Enjoy motherhood!