Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sugar n spice and everything nice..

Dear Amir,
Contrary to the fact that Mama has 11 solid days of holidays during the CNY break, I didnt managed to squeeze a post of the happenings in between. I was busy holidaying. And no, I dont even celebrate CNY. Nonetheless, happy new year to those who celebrate and hope this Rat year bring lotsa good fortune for all.
Ok, so how what happenedlah?
First off, on Saturday before the CNY, we went to Melaka for my school reunion - it was our 10th anniversary and it was relatively the biggest do ever. I had fun, you had fun, in fact even Papa had fun! The coolness is I got to meet some of my ol, ol frens, juniors, teachers.. who mostly are still the same people as they were 10 years ago, except that some have spouses/baby in tow and gained or lose few kilos ("few" is definitely an understatement for some). The downside is the fact that the school is so run down that it got me feeling very emotional, who would have thought..heh! Anyway, we didnt managed to stay long and we left just before they started to hit the field. Missed the games, missed the dinner, missed the performances. All is not lost though cos we didnt miss the group photo session. Even you joined in, the only baby who managed to steal a spot in the shot.. hehe.. overexposed betul. No pics here tho cos i didnt bring the camera along, but Aunty Hetz got plenty good ones. Anyway, we're going to have another reunion just for our batch soon so you'll get to enjoy being passed from one aunty/uncle to another. Major attention seeker
On Sunday morning, we made our way to Pangkor for the much anticipated vacation courtesy of Tok Pa. Tok Pa, Tok Ma, Uncle Yeh n Cho, Aunty Zetty, Gja and Farah were the gang for the trip.

Ferryride with the lot

The arrival of trouble in paradise

Happynya everybodee.. checking in

The first day we arrived, the whole gang went for few rounds of complimentary archery session. You were sound asleep in your stroller while we were at it. Right after archery I managed to to steal a quick time for time alone with Papa, sitting on a huge swing under a tree by the beach. How romantic! Naaaaah, not really, it was more childlike than romantic... i know i'm pathetic, but i really2 love that brief moment. It was refreshing.

Soon, we head to the pool for your first dip in the pool. First dip in the pool went grrreat, not at first, but it was great. I think we were all too excited about it that it was too overwhelming for your. So as soon as you hit the water and 'the crowd' surrounded you and cheer hard, you started wailing like it was a torturous thing. Kesian. So I pick you up again, snuggle a bit, let your feet play with the water, cleared away the excited 'fan club' and gave a second try. This time, you liked it and the rest is history.

My poor baby creating a scene at the poolside
Totally different self soon after
Loving it!
Tired, cold and HUNGRY. Alfresco dining by the beach
The rest of the trip was us at the pool/beach, pigging in the hotel room, rounds of hilarious monopoly and foosball sessions. You on the other hand have a ball of time being the center of attention of every single adult on the trip..and there were 9 of us!

The youngest dude sun bathing that day

This was you throughout our time at the beach - love the sun, dont u?

Sleepy beachboy

The mengada boy enjoying the attention - with Aunty Gja
All in all, it was an AWESOME trip. The good thing is you were equally enjoying every moment of it and didnt come out tan/burn after all the exposure to the sun. I dont know when we'll get to enjoy such (free) trip again. But looking at how much you enjoyed these kinda holidays, we'll try to make it as regular as possible (great excuse!). Tok Ma said you took after us very well, really know how to have fun, but she thinks it's too early for u to learn these things. Read : spoil brat alert.

Leaving Pangkor a happier and darker family
"I dont want to go home Mama"
Your fren Yazid turned 1 recently. Aunty Hetz threw him a bday do on CNY. It was your 2nd bday party (I dont intend to keep a count after this). As usual, great and abudant food and great company. What more can I say? I also managed to meet some mummy bloggers, but somehow rasa malu to chat with them. Nonetheless, i found that they are cool people whom I can easily identify with, and the babies, oh so cute in person! It got me thinking, i think i should socialize with other mummies more. It's amazing how I can learn from other mothers simply by comparing stories. Afterall, I need to get you some playmates too since you havent been exposed to mixing with your peers. Anyway, at the bday party, I also learnt that you really hate the "Birthday Song" cos this time it's the third time you cry after we sang it. Which was very different from Yazid who just couldnt stop grinning when we sang him the song. Oh well, he's the bday boy afterall, Happy Bday Yazid! and congrats to the mom too. : )
While in Pangkor, we received a couple of good news. Aunty Zetty got accepted to MRSM, Uncle Wan passed all his recent papers, so he'll be graduating soon. When we came back the next day, Uncle Yeh pulak received his results, he too passed his papers hence will be returning to Australia for just a few more before he is finished. So Tok Ma and Tok Pa decided on an impromtu kenduri doa selamat for all the good results and the good things that God has granted us lately. It was a small do, but as usual the food (nasi dagang, nasi kerabu, ayam percik, sate) was glorious. We had very2 close family and neighbours over. That nite, due to popular demand, you don a 'cheetah' suit bought by Tok Ma, complete with a cape and tail. Aunty Gja's nephew, Zinerra instantly called you a 'cat'! Sadly, we didnt capture any photo of you, guess the good food took too much of our attention.
Too much of good things and I'm tired of writing. Today is Valentines Day. Your Papa and me does not celebrate Valentines Day cos it is too much a commercialized thing. Anyhow for those who celebrate, Happy Vday to all of you.

My little Valentines


hetz said...

so hamsem lah amir! :D
hehe abt the bday song tu, donch worry one, nanti come his turn sure dia enjoy dengar orang nyanyi kat dia hehehe mcm yazid sampai sengih2 like some kerang busuk.
anyway glad to hear amir had a nice swimming exp. lepas ni can doa pool party for the kids at my hse ;)

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

yes, amir's getting more and more handsome! veryyyyyy veryyy lovable handsomeness too! you guys looked like u guys really had a ball in pangkor (green-eyed jealousy coming out!), the picture of amir sunbathing is so innocently beautiful :)

and yeahhhh valentine's day is overrated. we dont celebrate it too. so yay for us, kan? hahahahahah (takyah spend hundreds of ringgit on roses or something!)