Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Weekend and more

Dear Amir,

Yesterday Selangor cuti. So since i got some time to load photos.. here goes.. your weekend and yesterday in pictures
Last weekend, we went for your Prevenar jab, it's an optional one but we took it anyway.. biasala..paranoid me. Mama also asked about weaning you, doc said wait another mth to be safe la cos he said looking at your growth, should be ok but consequence could be allergy or obesity. OBESITY?? ok.. me, stopping right away. Taknak pisang berbuah dua kali.. hahah

Your first spoon of solid - Tok Ma said you really loved it!

The portion was not much so you resorted to licking the spoon clean. A food lover in the making? Guess not too soon, just a bit more ok dear?

Anyway, doc said you're a one handsome boy. He may be saying this to all his baby boys but that didnt stop to make me kembang.. haha. He said with this kinda look you'll be a celebrity someday. Haha.. From the hospital, we're off to The Gardens. Being broke, the trip was very challenging especially with the year end sale. Anyway, the Xmas deco made it all worth it. I like..

You were really excited looking at the tall decorated trees. They kept you really occupied

Me and you, after I made a fuss about having limited pics together, asyik2 dengan Papa je kan??

Taking a break at the nursery room, the lepak place for the lil dudes and babes - real happening spot

Then on Sunday, Tok Pa belanja seafood at Kuala Selangor. Everyone was there except Uncle Wan. We had A LOT of good food. Cheap good food. The last time we came here was when I crave for seafood six months ago. Mama only managed to take pic of some of the dishes only cos I was busy once all of them arrived.

Your poser uncles and their gfs, Aunty Gja and Aunty Farah.

The sponsors busy at what they do best - Butter Prawn, Lotus Leaf Fried Kerapu, Chilly Crab, Sotong Goreng Tepung, Asparagus Steam Siakap, SweetnSour Lala, Oyster Omelete, Blackpepper 'Buluh Shellfish'

Your Che' Su a.k.a the young, glamorous and over protective bibik

You were the focus point - before the dishes arrived

And here they are, well, the first batch. I was crazy busy later. Haha

This is wat happened to poor little you when were busy stuffing our face. Thanks for cooperating Mir!

Yesterday, I woke up relatively early and feel all domestic so I made your Papa's favourite nasi lemak. Your doc said one way to help delay weaning for you is not to eat in front of you. (Cos when we did, you become all drooly and start munching air..kesian anak mama) So instead of holding you on one side while eating as fast as I can, we spread a duvet across the living room and let you have a ball of time with your toys (yeah right) while we take our time savouring the home made breakfast. You were not happy about it.
There goes my living room. Need to get you a playpen soon

The usual after-breakfast ritual - Amirtime!

Boys gone topless

I also did some experimenting with Tok Pa SLR and produced this..
Kinda cool i think, except for the angle.. hahah..oh well, you're still a cutie nonetheless..


hetz said...

nice pics! handsome boy indeed :p
and dont worry lah, he won't be obese lah babe, nanti once dia dah boleh crawl, jalan i foresee dia ni pun active jugak so takkan obese punye. hehe.
God the seafood looks damn good. can't remember the last time i had good seafood. damn rasa mcm nak makan ketam pulak :)

Anonymous said...

oit jom gi fatty crab...
hetz mimi told me you too have a blog dedicated to yazid, kewl!Keep it up guys hehe dont think i'll be following your footsteps - perpetual writer's blog. Nways teriangat aku zaman penang where you both had fish pets hehehe kelakar siot. Nway hetz may need to drop by you mom's place to give you the travel voucher for ben and jo k

doodlemom said...

tell tok pa we want him to belanja us seafood kat kuala selangor when we go home next summer.... emmm best nya, best nya !!

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

obese..??? he's just the way a 4-month old should be! (i might be biased coz i love chubby kids and my kid was chubby until he started crawling; then he lost all the "trimmings"!!) like hetz said, gerenti he'll lose weight when he starts crawling lah.

and the seafood got me drooling. which restaurant is this? pray tell! puhleasseeeee!

nuhaafnan said...

aye caramba! i'm soooo jealous looking at you guys enjoying seafood!

i can't help but throw in a word of caution for you, pls pls pls experiment first before you buy playpen for amir, bcoz i was desperate of having a safe place for Nunu to play in, but she HATED the playpen! she won't stop bawling and i sure don't get my peace.

Nikmummy said...

hetz & shaz: let's make a melantak trip soon k? it's quite far but totally worth it.

kak noni : yes, we're waiting for u to come back for our next seafood trip

babyboon : it's a restaurant in kuala selangor.. cant remember the name but it's the only big restaurant there...and always full..hidden treasurelah ni.. hehe

anne : thx for the advice. thk will only be getting him the playpen when i reallyreally need it, and definitely will try it first.