Monday, December 31, 2007

5 months and counting

Dear Amir,

You are now 5 months plus.. and this is your story.

You have outgrown your nitetime 'merengek' phase. Thank God! And simultaneously, your Papa has finally mastered the art of waking up instantenously to prepare your milk at nite just by having me say "Pa, susu". I finally understand the perks of bottlefeeding now. And on top f that you've learned to treasure sleep as much as I do and clicked in extra few hours before waking up in the morning.. so no more wide-eye Amir at 6 am in the morning. All these means I get to enjoy more sleep! Hurrayy!!

Your flavour of the month, ie. favourite person at the moment is Che' Su. She only needs to walk pass without even looking at you to make you smile, chuckle and jump in excitement and anticipation. Seriously, with waddling hands and all.. kesian mama tengok cos you look sooo 'syok sendiri' that way since Che' Su now is superbusy with her 'teenager' stuff like girly gossips, chatting, facebook etc. But when she feels like it and throw you some peek-a-boo.. you'll have the whole world hear how entertaining Che' Su is. Last week, the whole Anakku store in SACC Mall witnessed your record braking giggle, thanks to Che' Su.

Milk intake - you drink more now, more often. I think ever since we changed the nipple with bigger hole, you seem to enjoy feeding more.. duhh! We have been refraining ourselve from feeding you but it's getting tougher now since u will furiously 'munch' and drool if u see anyone eating. Yesterday, when we were in McD, you stared at this guy who was eating..and tried to immitate him. It was really funny but i pity the guy too cos despite smiling and laughing at you, i thk he got a little bit uneasy to enjoy his meal.
Your golek2 skill has improved tremendously. U spend more time on your tummy than you back. Our king size bed is now too small for your adventure. At nite, you command almost the whole area of the bed.. but usually save your feet (and kicking!) for my face and boobs (rasa nak mengamuk je Mama!). The cute thing is, before you fell asleep, you love to snuggle up to me and bury your face on my body. I took that opportunity to re-introduce you to 'the twins' that you use to hate so much. Some thing never change, you still hate them, even more when they dont produce anything anymore. But once you're awake, you'll find your way to be right next to Papa and rub his face almost like an attempt to wake him up. It may be coincident, but to me it seems more like a routine to you. Clever boy!
You look less and less like a baby now.. almost like a small boy now, with spikey hair and steady head.. Since you've grown so much (and it's the Year End Sale), Mama did some major shopping for your next round of clothing.. mainly those for 6-9mths (some fits perfectly though..hmmm)
The best bargain must be the jacket below, cost us only RM 22 (original price RM112) from Mothercare. Macho siot anak mama! (hey, i'm your mom.. allow me to be perasanla ye.)

Ready for 2008 New Year Party???


doodlemom said...

macho gilerrr!!damn good buy, rm 22for that jacket. ada lagi tak agaknya? boleh beli satu for aliyah?

hetz said...

hehe memang macho lah amir in that picture. ur right, with his spikey hair dah macam org besar :D
happy (belated) 5 mths bday amir!

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

phewitt! handsome betol!