Monday, December 3, 2007

A wedding and two malls

Dear Amir,
It's Monday and Mama is jaded.. heh, wat else is new?
So much for weekend-full of stuff..
On Saturday, we went on a short road trip to Port Dickson to attend a wedding of a relative. It was a convoy of 4 cars which includes your Tok, An, Tok Nek, granduncle and grandauntie, uncles and aunties and your three restless cousins :) It was scorching hot Saturday, not a good day to attend a wedding in PD. Nonetheless, you pulled a happy face and was delighted at every ohh and ahh ppl were making at u. Excited sgt! We noticed that you took a strong liking to Pakcik, probably because he looks a lot like Papa - the much leaner and clean shaven version..haha
After the wedding, your tired and whiney cousins forced the whole convoy to go to the beach at freaking 2.30pm. Mama chose the antisocial route and stayed in the airconditioned car with you cos you were already soundly asleep by then, plus I hate to expose you to the harsh sun and UV. From afar I saw how happy your cousins, especially Abg Aiman, were. Mak Long told me to be prepared for such days in the future :P (the whiney part, not the happy part)
Returning from PD, everyone followed us back to our house. This was the first time our house accomodated that many (hungry) people at once. It was chaotic. Good type of chaos though especially for you cos you were thoroughly entertained by all of them. Your cousins are beginning to find you entertaining too. They covered you with kisses and laughed out loud when they hear you giggle in response. Abg Amirul, who's barely 2 yrs old also played peek-a-boo with you and boy, you were really into it. It was heart-melting scenelah.
Tok Njang and family stayed over and left for Cameron Highland very early in the morning on Sunday. So Sunday was a bright and early day for us. We later went to Bangsar cos Mama got an alumni committee meeting to attend. While waiting, you took a stroll around Bangsar Village and Bangsar Park with Papa. Bangsar was no place for us lah Amir.. everything on sale seems...'out of reach' though Mama almost bought you the cute little denim jeans and Papa was itching on the cute little pyjama sets. You were behaving well through out, making no fuss, sitting happily in your stroller untill Mama and Papa decided to have a quiet time reading our mags in Starbucks - that was when you decided to buat perangai and refused to sit and start blowing bubbles all over my shirt.
Hmm... looking forward to next weekend.. :P


hetz said...

amir very good boy lah nak duduk dlm stroller, so unlike Yazid hmmmppphhh...
anyway sorry i missed the meeting yesterday. will definitely turn up for the next one (guess i dont hv a choice given i have a role and all hehe) :)

SayangMommy said...

Hi nikmommy thanks for visiting my blog :)

doodlemom said...

gud excuse la mama.. duduk dlm aircond car cos anak tidor ha!ha! my baby loves being outdoor; despite the cold weather. if dlm stroller, tak leh stop, kena on the move all the time.

kena train the kids to sit in the stroller and car seat (especially)... no choice over here. kalau melalak pun, lantak jer!!

Nikmummy said...

Actually Amir pun cant sit still if the stroller tak gerak after a while. Same goes with car seat, if the car stop..he may become irritated. Unless i maintain eye conact, start making funny faces and all the weird baby sounds, then he'll be happy all over again. But yeah, in public, while walking.. baik dok rumah!

I guess it's normal la kan, they're kids afterall.