Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Dear Amir,

At this moment, I could have followed you and Papa for your daily stroll around the neighbourhood, but no. I chose to lay here in bed and vegetate in front of the PC. Afterall, this is my only me-time that i get.

But i think i've made a wrong choice today. Should have followed you guys for some sun and fun.

I've been pretty down lately. Not perpetual depression of sort but i'm consistently sick, tired and frustrated that i'm sick and always tired. Both of us were feverish since last few weeks, it's been going on and on, some days are worst than most. Only few are good days.

Today, it went on a different level. You were just getting better and started to act more active than usual (making up for lost time!). For the THIRD time today, I found you playing with ciggy buts and the ashtray, just a few mins after i 'rescued' you from 'jumping' off the tv table in uncle wan's room. It doesnt help that i'm on the verge of having asthma and was wheezing since morning. I screamed on top of my voice and pulled you away from the ashtray. Then i saw your face. The stunt 'what did i do' face. And then you smirk. Then i cried like a little girl / madwoman, and called Papa. When Papa arrived, we were already asleep like a baby, both after a good cry.

I'm losing it. Damn these hormones..

Here's hoping we'll be as happy again...

p/s: I wish to put up a happier post - your bday party for instant, but internet sucks these days, i cant upload pics without cursing profusely. Again, damn these hormones, and Streamyx..


nuhaafnan said...

it's on of those days, huh? there there, we all moms know exactly how you feel. it's very touching reading how u both cried together and fall asleep together. i used to do that all the time, but strangely enough, i've recently got the courage to vow never to let that happen again. i really don't know how i'm gonna do it, but that's a start :D

hang in there babe