Wednesday, February 11, 2009

18 mths and counting

Dear Amir,

Last week, we went for your 18th mth check up, and the last compulsory jab. Alhamdulillah, doc said you're progressing very well physically (weight 13.8kg, height 80cm) and has nothing to be worried about although you look heavy and rounded.. hehe. You also spot a big hairdo these days cos your hair now has a life of its own ever since we cut it short the other day. I think i'll just let it lose for a whilela till i decide if to cut it or not :P

This month, you showed a noticeable progress in your vocab and pronounciation. It happened overnite.. and some of these words are random words that you chose to pick up just because you like them i guess, cos we dont use them quite often. Some of the cuter ones are

Amir : Mmmmm-may
Alamak : amakk..
Aiyoyo : yoyo..
Ya Allah : aaa-woh
Susu : u-uh
air : ayie
takde : takdeeee
no more : emm-more
yeh : yeay
cho : tow
abe : bey (you decide 'abe' is easier compared to 'uncle wan')
playground : ayy-yaun
yeay yeay : waeyy
car : kha
lorry : loghi/loyi
monkey : ka-kih
dukung : ku-kong
wait : weee

You've also turned into a papa's boy lately. Since we wean you off our bed, Papa has been attending to your every needs and whine at nite (feeding, scratch your back, tuck you in, take off the blanket, find your puting etc) cos it'll take me forever to pick myself up from the bed. Sometimes, Papa end up sleeping on the floor by your side cos he just could be bothered to return to bed since you will call out for him 4-5 times a nite. This new routine made you two closer. So nowadays, whenever you are sleepy, you'll call for 'Baba/Papa' and pat your pillow asking him to sleep by your side. When he went away, you'll notice and call for him non stop. When he returns, you'll glow and shout 'Baba/Papa'! Last weekend, we were away for a break and you slept with Tok Ma but woke her up few times asking to go to 'Baba'.

I'm so blessed to have your Papa doing this for us especially when I really2 need my undisturbed sleep now. Sometimes i feel bad because i know he is one person who treasure his sleep veryvery much (we're the same kind you see). He never complained. Of course, the idealist in me would want him to do so much more especially in taking care of you :P. But i also realise that he has done a lot for both of us and is really doing all he can to take over more responsibility in preparation for little adik soon.

Speaking of adik, you have lately grew fonder of little babies. You are so into babies that you'll attempt to kiss, nuzzle or will simply coo at the baby when you see one. In fact you have now developed the cheekiness to immitate them. Asking me to swaddle you in blanket, and pat you to sleep while you immitate a baby crying. I guess I wont have any problem with sibling jealousy, at least not these early few months. Finger crossed. Oh yeah, that reminds me that you are capable of jealousy. You wont mind me carrying another kid/baby, you dont mind other kid taking away your toy but once you see me snuggling with Papa, or hugging Che' Su, or lying next to your uncles, you will retaliate and start to throw tantrums.

Oh well, I guess that's a good development in a way huh? Anyway, here's hoping that both you and Papa will adjust smoothly once adik arrives. I know you two have been making lots of progress towards that. And for that (and manymany more things), I love you both so veryvery much. Happy 18 mths Amir and thank you for the amazing 18mths journey of parenthood together sayang. ; )

The curious case of Benjamin Button - version Amir (i dare say the cuter one)


hetz said...

Amir looks so much like Jazmi in that last picture. Memang papa's boy lah! ;)

Anonymous said...

soon to be abg ni sgt cute! :) anyway, nice new blog layout ey? me likey..

asia-hotels said...

nice baby i like

doodlemom said...

reading the words amir uttered, ada jugak yg sama dgn yaya (aliyah). she said u-uh for breastmilk then; now that dah stop, she says u-uh baby for formula milk cos tin susu ada gambar baby!