Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And your pregnant mom speaks

Dear Amir,

Both of us are having blocked nose at the moment. Tok Ma is even worse, she cant get up and her blood pressure is on the rise again. Today, you vomitted trice, each time after taking your milk. Doc asked us to have a good rest. I think that's wat all of us need, your tok ma especially. Luckily you 'obey' and slept early today (you've been sleeping at 11pm since last week), allowing me some extra me-time.

So now i feel like ranting. Things at home are pretty normal except for the fact that we have weaned you off our bed.. hopefully permanently. As my tummy is getting bigger and moving from side to side while sleeping is becoming a big task now, we decided that I dont need an extra challenge in the form of you sleeping on my tummy, kicking it or simply commanding more space than that occupied by an obese pregnant lady. Anyway, what we did was to spread few layers of duvet across the floor in our bedroom and scattered it with your favourite sleeping aids, including Pooh and my aussino body pillow which was a saviour during pregnancy.. but nevermind that! So what we have now is every inch of our king size bed and a lot more peaceful sleep. In fact you have been sleeping more soundly too cos you can 'roam' more freely now. Anyway, thanks to Papa who made this work by waking up for your nite feeds and settle you back in when you wake up since i've become very immobile once i hit the sack lately.

Anyway, like i said, i'm becoming 'more pregnant' now, if there's such an expression. I'm forever panting, starting to waddle a bit and my tummy.. my! they're huge and so round this time. Che' Su said that i actually look pregnant this time. Siot je.

We have picked up a name for your little sis. Finally a name that both Papa and me agree on. Well, little adik better be a girl now cos we went through a lot for that name.. heheh.. and yes, i admit, i've fallen in love with the pink section of the baby/kids department. Anyway, we'll get a second confirmation early next mth when i go for my 32nd week check up (wow.. so fast!)

Bed- cleared, Name-settled.

As for clothings, i have managed to resist the temptation and hasnt spent on anything yet. Afterall tok ma brought her (yes, very gender specific items/colours) quite a number of things on her holidays last month. All i need to do now is go through your clothes and separate it according to sizes for kakak to wash again. As for other stuff, i think we have pretty much everything already. I'm thinking of a playpen, the two level kind, to place at tok ma's house. That way we dont have to move the cot back n forth from tok ma's to our house and it will be a safe place for her, you know, away from curious and very involved elder brother, for instance.

I'm also thinking to 'wear' little adik later. Been doing some reading on babywearing. Tempted to order some stuff already but perhaps wait till she arrivelah.

One issue that is always on my mind now is breastfeeding. I'm definitely going to give it a go again this time. I think it'll be much better this second time around. Maybe cos the anxiety is not as great kot. I mean even if I cant, i can say that i'm prepared for that too. This time i'm going to try harder. Am thinking of investing in a good electric pump. Maybe that will help. But like other things, i think i can wait and we see how it goes laterlah. When it was during your time, i can almost say i dont have much milk. I never experience engorgement. I take half hour to pump a sheer 1 oz. 1 oz! When i shifted to use the Medela pump, i can produce 3 oz per pump. But by this time you have doubled your intake already..sighh..My breast never felt hard n heavy.. biasa je. Pump ke tak pump sama je. I tried 2 types of pump, tok ma taught me the old fashion manual way, but most of the time i try, all that i can see is only few sad droplets trickling down. Let down? Almost never. The only time i can positively see/feel letdowns are during hot shower. But as soon as i step out and reach out for the pump.. dah, gone.

Anyway, i've been reading up, watching videos, visiting forums. Trying to have a new start at this. Trying to be positive while not trying to be too hopefull.. else anxiety and same old story again. Anyway, if i do succeed this time, i wonder how would that make you feel. How would you react looking at the little one clinging and sucking away. You're always fond of err my equipment there, but i think seeing little adik feeding from it must be a weird thing for you kan? Wow.. i cant wait to find out. I mean it will be so weird, perhaps funny, maybe even pitiful for you.

Going into my 8th month now, i guess i can shed some insight on being pregnant second time around, with you hardly reaching 2. It's all true wat they say in the magazine. It is taxing physically. No matter how heavy and tired i feel, when you cry and want no one else but me, i guess i just have to give in and pick you up. Some ppl frown in disapprovement, some in amazement when i still can carry (13.5kg) you at this state i am. I guess it's God's gift to every mother. I cant imagine doing that when i was pregnant with you. But now, it doesnt seem like such a big deal and somehow i will find that extra energy somewhere to mother you even in this condition.

It's also true when they say that mothers are more relax second time around. Yeah, i dont fret over every single thing in this pregnancy. I normally forgot that i'm pregnant half of the time. But now that adik's kicking hard, it's hard not to remember. I guess that's why it's actually not a big deal to have kids with small age gaps. Because you're not a big worry wart anymore (relatively at least). And i strongly believe that mothers are natural multitasker anyway. So having you to take care while having to take care of myself is not like something that I need to sit down and strategize on daily basis. It's very natural.

I often heard mothers say that they want kids far apart so that they can concentrate on each one of them more. Some first time mothers even say that they dont know how it's possible to love more than one kid now that they have the whole world embodied in that one little baby. Well, adik may not be here yet but i can somehow understand this now. It's possible. Whenever i stroke my tummy and talk to her, i feel overwhelmed with love.. a familiar feeling, same feeling i had when we had our conversation before we even met then. But that doesnt mean i love you less at that instance. In fact, when you do join in, it's even better. I'm no good with wordsla when it comes to this but all i can say is that being pregnant with adik hasnt change a single thing about the way i feel for you. And similarly, having you and watching you grow every day doesnt mean that it's harder for me to identify with adik and love her the same way i love you. It's ridiculous! There's no such thing as dividing love watsoever, for me, the feeling just multiply! Well, maybe it gets a little tricky when she arrive and we're talking about attention la.. but as far as i know, i love you both dearly, no doubt about that.

So any regrets so far. No lah. No regret. I think it's a good decision that we have taken, to become pregnant again now. The downsides are there, but very little. 1. I dont get to participate in your active games anymore.. when coincidently you're at the climbing, jumping, wrestling and chasing stage. 2. We have to let go many opportunities for family vacations. Now that you prefer to walk, it's a good time to go on more trips, but now my heavyself pulak not comfy for long trips. When adik arrives, it'll be another good few mths till we can go on holidays without much restriction. But this is feel is up to us la.. where there's a will, there's a way. 3. Sleepless nites, you still wake up for nite feed, even if you dont, i will still need to wake up for my toilet trips, by the time it's over, adik will be waking up for nite feeds and this vicious cycle goes on...

Oh well.. enough rant for tonite.

Somehow i feel really good. Talk about therapeutic blogging..haha


Nina @ BabyBoon said...

theurapetic is good :) honestly, i admire u for having a second one right now. its a good choice, although not necessarily a choice for everyone. but it's just awesome when u feel good about the choice u've made and Masyaallah, a baby is always a huge, miraculous blessing!

no pictures of you at 8 months? teringin nak tengok!

and oh how i wish i had the courage to wean gibran off the bed! i blame it on myself! i think it's not him.. i think i need to wean ME off of him!

hetz said...

what a long and sweet entry. i second babyboon, i too admire your choice. it's definitely not easy(having two kids with small age gaps)but if anyone can do it (and do it well), i know u can hehe :p. dah 32nd week? my goodness, cepatnya :D. u guys must be so excited to see amir's little sister!

NM YASSER said...

Hey... Kak Tie pun macam Noreen jugak. This time betul2 huge tummy... and really bulat!! EDD... end of March...

And Adam pun demam jugak... Doctor suruh kurangkan susu and more to plain water/juices (avoid from muntah)....

So... take care and salam buat semua!!

Anonymous said...

i love love this entry of yours.Touche!!

babe,nanti check your mailbox ya. ;)

doodlemom said...

how time flew! am sure there's so much more anxiety now. cant really comment much about the gap between the kids. we tried to have an adik for aisyah after she turned 2; mostly cos i wanted to have another one before i turned 40 but we had to wait for 7 years ha!ha! but it was all worth it. aliyah will be 2 tomorrow... u know what they say about "terrible 2"? we shall wait and see. i stopped breastfeeding yesterday; without much difficulty, pakai psychology sikit and surprisingly (or not) she bought it!! gud luck with the new born ok...and take care.

Nikmummy said...

babyboon : thanks for reminding, again, i've not been taking many photos of myself this time around, should do it before it expire :)
and the weaning, i didnt say it was easy, but i'm happy it's working fine for him la

hetz & ira : looking fwd to some friends for amir's little sister too.. ;)

abe sir : noreen EDD first week of April. Ntah2 sama ngan Kak Tie kan. Adam pun lebih kurang je ngan Amir.. timing betul

kak noni : i'm planning to stop at 35, that explains the rush.. hahah, but dunnola if history repeats, mama had surprise package in the form of zetty at 40 too!

nuhaafnan said...

it gives me some peace of mind now that you're saying it gets easier with the second one. i always get unnecessarily agitated and anxious over-analysing how our lives would change if we ever get a second child.

but the truth to the matter is, every mother would find in their hearts to love all her children undoubtedly & equally.

i'm wishing you all the best, esp in the bfeeding & bbwearing dept, you'll need all the support i'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can bruit about that I approve of with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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I noticed the utter you have in the offing not used. Or you use the dark methods of development of the resource. I have a week and do necheg