Monday, September 7, 2009

Long weekend

Dear Amir,
It's another long weekend this week. Last week, we kinda wasted the weekend away nursing my stiff neck. Man, it was frustrating.
This week is quite different. On Saturday, we went to visit baby Mike. Mia was not home but Yazid was there. Both of you were indifferent towards each other then. Later that eve, Tok Ma came over to fetch you for iftar at Tok Ayah Man's.
On Sunday, we went to hang out at Aunty Hetz's while Papa went to a workshop nearby. I watched 2 final episodes of Grey's Anatomy latest season (most anticlimax ending ever). You had 2 pcs of brownies and was not on good terms with Yazid... so much for playdate la konon. We invited them over for iftar at our place since I was in the mood to cook (ayam golek to be exact).
So we had dinner with great company. My ayam golek came out pretty well. And both you and Yazid were finally playing peacefully with each other. Though you seem to prefer his dad more.. haih! Sarah on the other hand were enjoying all the socialising given that she's always left at home with Kakak. So she bounce, giggle, shriek, chuckle, bounce again - none stop.
Today, we were set on staying in and taking it easy. At first we just enjoyed a slow morning, playing with Adik, watching her perform her latest stunt, lifting her chest AND butt simultaneously before slamming her face on the floor.

But I didnt feel like sitting still, so we went over to Tok Ma's (my fav 'grocery shop') and picked up a few things, went back and baked! I made lemon butter cake (Tok Ma's fav) and then let you help me with cornflake cookies. You helped to break the eggs, pour the sugar, scoop the butter and then, the ultimate task.. lick the batter off the utensil CLEAN!

Dap 'kek' mama masak..
Amir makan (dgn) jari keh??

Dap angaaatt..

Yes dear, it's an evil evil treat.. sekali sekala jelah k?

Then we had a playful shower and you retire as a sugarloaded yet tired little baker.


kiddo's mom said...

babe, the pic where amir had his finger in his mouth, he looks EXACTLY like u! :)

i haven't been reading much.. haihhh

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

oohh!! i havent had the opportunity to visit your blog for ages!! the kids look sooo big now!

and hun, mintak maaf byk byk to your hubs.. but i gotta say this just this once... your kids are spitting images of you!!

selamat hari raya to you and your family, and maaf zahir batin if ada salah silap..