Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cukur Jambul

Dear Amir & Sarah,

Things are going ok lately. Both of you are spending a lot of time with me, together. Sarah, your acne on the cheeks has subsided a little but now it's spreading to your chin and a bit on the forehead. So, we're going to get it checked, finally. (Yes, it's true what they say about parenting the 2nd time around, we're just not as paranoid - perhaps bordering laid back now).
Anyway, I just want to upload some photos we took during Sarah's cukur rambut, held on the 7th day at Tok Ma's house, attended by all TokMa & Tok Pa's neighbours (mostly pensioners - since it was a weekday morning).
The guests - Amir & Sarah Fan Club aka Opah, Nenek, Tok..etc
'Belah mulut' with kurma and air zamzam by the ustaz
While Uncle Wan poses, Uncle Yeh control and Papa trying hard not to fall asleep.. hmmphh
You slept throughout the process xcept for a while when you cry to demand your feed
Hopefully Sarah will have a great beginning and grow to be a solehah
Dah botak dah anak Mama!
Amir went 'Mbuk?Mbuk? Takdeee..'
(Translate : Mana rambut? Takde..)
Then we took our first ever family-of-4 photo
After the majlis - 2 tired kids and their aunty

My harta dunia akhirat, insyaAllah


Nina @ BabyBoon said...

lovely picture of you four :) alhamdulillah dah selesai cukur jambul!

nuhaafnan said...

i love this warm happy feeling i get when i read ur posts and look at the photos :)

you had a bout of baby blues ke? i must have been tough for you but alhamudulillah you pulled through in the end, kan?