It was just the two of us. You were standing against the sofa when suddenly a bird appeared at the window and chirp loudly. You looked at me and smile, quickly gathered yourself, and in excitement, you took your first independant step towards to windows..
So, that was how it happened. Just a sneak preview..
And, here's another sneak preview of my latest project..
wow he's taking his first step at 10 months!!! amir is early!!
yay! told u he was gonna start walking soon ;)
lepas ni boleh beli boots main bola ngan yazid. haha (liks yazid has a pair lah!)
Yeah, his first step is kinda early but teethingwise..hmmphh!
I dont think he'll be able to play ball that soon tho hetz.. or at least he wont be getting his first pair of boots thaaat soon lah :)
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