Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The manja boy

Dear Amir,

Just finished 'wrestling' you to sleep. About a mth ago, i remember telling someone how fortunate i am now that you sleep throughout the nite from 8pm till 7am without waking up for feeds in between. A month on now, your bodyclock seems to reset all over again. You've been going to bed later and later, and wake up in between for nite feeds 2 to 3 times a nite.. sigh.. I noticed that this happens after our honeymoon trip to Jakarta. Payback time huh?

Nonetheless, your manja-ness now bertambah2. Will only doze off while snuggling and will wake up in the middle of the nite for few times to reposition yourself as close as possible to (or on) me or Papa. There were few occasions when you put your cheek on mine and hug my neck. Funny! But not at 3am when i'm fast asleep.

Speaking of manjaness, you love to nuzzle and kiss my 'twins' now. Siap with a cheeky smile pulak tu. The other day, i woke up to you trying to nurse! I dont know wat to say about this. It feels weird (what with the cheeky smile) but i try my best to put things in perspective.. that u're a baby who finds everything amusing and will show affection in any way possible. Anyway, it gives me a hint of wat bfeeding is likela i suppose.

That's all for tonite. Sorrylah dear, very tiredlah these days. tend to sleep very early too.. inversely related to your sleeping time..heh!

Oh.. lastly, nope, no teeth yet.


Anonymous said...

hola mama to amir!

wahhhh... u got an e-shop eh?! cool. nanti boleh la nak cuci2 mata..hehehe...

btw, watchout for that unusual crankiness....might be amir's welcoming his first tooth! *wink*

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

i think everytime we think they've got a routine, they change it on purpose! and guess what. our li'l fella is like that too; he'd wake up at night to find our warm bodies and snuggle as close as possible, sometimes even ending up throwing himself veryy painfully on top of our bodies (adoi!) because he's too sleepy to control himself. tsktsk!!!