Saturday, March 29, 2008

You're 8 and I'm veryvery sorry

Dear Amir,

Sorry i kinda forgot to update on your progress since u turned 8 mths! Anyhow, we did celebrate the day by inviting over Tok Pa, Tok Ma, Che Su and Tok De Loh's clan for my pasembor (your Tok's recipe). The pasembor didnt turn out as nice, it could have been better, but Papa was pleased that i triedlah.

Aaaaanyway, this month, you learned and mastered a lot of things.

One of which is 'flying'. Last Saturday, u fell off the bed for the second time. I'm at lost of words about this now. This time you were with Papa and both of you were sound asleep when it happened. I was cooking downstairs when I heard the thump, followed by your loud cry. All hell break loose and i was hysterical when i climb upstairs. I mean, again...??? I remembered crying louder and longer than you. That got Papa worried. Alhamdulillah you recovered very quickly and resume sleeping and woke up the happy smiling Amir again. Of course, i didnt. I blame this on me again cos i didnt move u to the cot before i left knowing that Papa always sleep like a log. I cried a lot on Saturday. There were many feelings that conquered me but your Papa was quick to bring me back to my senses. And having you chuckling and kissing my face wet cheerfully when i was crying helps to console me a bit (although it made me feel even more guilty at first). Oh this time, Tok Ma gave me her piece of mind too.. which made me feel really really really bad and sad : ( That made me feel like i'm a bad mother. Really. Oh well, i deserved it.

The high flyer - an hour after your first 'take off' last month

This is getting depressing..

On a happier note, you can say Mamma and Pappa now and guess what, we think your third word would be 'Boy' as in boy the cat of ours. Yes, Boy and you enjoy each others company now and like to gaze at each other for a long while. Whenever we call for Boy, you will start to scan the floor and search under the table and mumble bbhh.. bba.. so, yeah, we're guessing 'Boy' is the next in line.

You are constantly on the move now. Always pulling yourself up, against the sofa, against the bed, curtain, coffee table, us, our legs, my hair.. anything that u can pull and 'think' safe enough to hang for your dear life, you'll grab. For the record, you've been bumping your head everywhere..some leaving a red bump on your forehead.. but being the cool dude you are, you will normally pick up yourself and smile. You are also pro at using your thumb and index finger to pick the littlest thing on earth including dead bugs, stapler bits, coins.. hmmphhh..

This is your Tok Pa's ingenious cheapskate idea of keeping things under control
This month you have also finally discovered the actual function of (most of) your toys. So hopefully now you understand why Mama is so excited to shower you with all these fun coloured stuff. Your favourite now is Thomas the train given by Aunty Shaz. You love chasing it around, picking it up and throwing it about and yeah, munch and lick it every now and then.
And lastly, we finally got you a pair of shoes, just a cheapo one but yeah, at least u got shoes now. And those shoes, they made your legs go all limp.. hehe.. cos you're not used to wearing them so you wont stand in them. Cute!

Amir, let's try to be more careful now ok? All the crying is very tiringla... though it makes both of us sleep like a baby later.. : ). And as always, Mama loves you dearly no matter how bad my track record shows.


hetz said...

oh dear. poor amir and poor you.. don't be too hard on urself ok. shit happens even when you're being really careful. anyway amir looks so cute in the bakul tu. trust your dad to come up with ideas like that lah hehe ;)
happy 8 months bday amir :p

doodlemom said...

jelesnya.... dah pandai panggil mama & papa.aliyah at 14 months now pandai panggil Aisyah aja, loud and clearrr. dulu Aisyah's first word was daddy... so, where does that leave me?

nuhaafnan said...

babe, pleeaselah don't say you feel like a bad mom just because your baby fell. and i know what i'm about to say won't change the fact that it's a sucky experience, coz u know, all moms will go thru this stage too (never ending self blaming) i know the main thing that plays in your head is 'what ifs' but don't let the feelings consume you, ok? Just be extremely GLAD amir's all right!