Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lazy Thursday

Dear Amir,

It's Mauludur Rasul today, a public holiday and we are planning to stay in and do some spring cleaning. But this morning i think we'll just progress at our own pace.. lazing around on the bed with you plucking and poking our nose, eyes, etc.

Sorry that i have not been updating much. Actually there's a lot to tell, about your progress especially but my new status as working at home mom (WAHM) has got the better of me. Since i started early this month, it's been busy busy busy but good kind of busy since wateva it is, i still have u right there by my side. Only thing is, though i get to spend more time with you, i think the real quality time is getting lesser cos now inevitably work and home do mix. Just bare with me k, i'm still adjusting.
Anyway, we bought you a walker and a high chair. And it's a great buy i must say cos now we get to enjoy our freedom more while you roam freely. I'm also beginning to appreciate the fact that our hse is so bare n empty now : ). The only setback is that the walker is a bit too bulky, but it doubles as a stepper, so we can still use it when u start walking. Tok Pa said i should'nt have bought that '5 series' model cos difficult to angkut back n forth from our hse to Tok Pa's house. My reply was for him was to stop complaining about my every purchase and buy you another one ; )
As for your high chair, we bought one from Ikea since so many mothers has recommended it. You are not that excited about it but dont mind sitting in it, if not for extended hours. Tok Ma called it your 'throne' and it'll follow you to the kitchen for meals and office for my peace of mind. So far things looks ok, you especially love swinging your feet while sitting in it. But I'm a bit worried when you got too excited about someone or something and started to 'jump' in your seat. Must record that 'spasm' mode one of these days, cos u get them a lot. Hope it doesnt develop into something serious or weird.
You have also started to tunjuk belang by pulling yourself up whenever you have the chance to. But cleverly enough, you have also learnt how to bent your knees when you are about to fall backwards. The thing is, too often you fell forward and that's even more dangerous cos your face might hit something, like what happened the other day in your cot. Nasib baik you pick yourself up and managed a smile.

I dont know if you have started to become a picky eater, but you generally dont take as much now. And since you have started to be mobile, i'm worried that you'll not be gaining as u should be. I noticed that you love those heinz yogurt but since it's so sour, i dont think that should be your main diet kan? Anyway, we had our third try with home made porridge, but you still wouldnt take it. Blended till smooth with chicken, no. Slightly coarse with carrots, no. Plain porridge with some apple sauce, only a bit. Tok Pa said you take after him cos he totally hates them too but wouldnt mind other cereals. So now, i just try to feed as much as you wanna take in and let you have lots of snacks in between cos you still love the biscuits/fruits, especially when we let you do your own thing.

Oklah, i'mgoing to go laze ard some more. Heck with the spring cleaninglah!


UmmiY said...

amir's innocently cute in his last pic (tgh mamam pic). i like reading / talking abt bb food. just recently, a friend suggested me to cook rice porridge with raisins. maybe u wanna try it out. small amount first, more towards tawar2 taste. chop d raisins, cook and blend them together. kasar ke smooth ke up to ur liking. happy trying! :)

oh i usually count the raisins. total is no ganjil. hehe eg: 5 yg kuning/oren + 6 yg hitam/dark brown = 11

selawat sikit (hehe mcm nk bagi budak makan supaya belajar pandai mcm tu..we used to such things kan dulu2 time belajar, tak ke?)

hetz said...

so cute lah!!!! in the last pic he looks like u lah babe :D. mmg mummy's boy lah amir ni :p
have fun in ur walker amir!

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

ooh i love his funky hair now! its great that he's pulling himself up coz from there onwards his progress will be lightning-speed!

Nikmummy said...

mrs zyi : thx for the recipe, havent tried yet but surely will. hope that works for him

hetz : yeah, mummy's boy he is now :)

babyboon : you mean it gets faster after this.. oh pun dah rasa too fast

ira said...

nik,ur boy so cute lah!gerams!